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Nicolás Furtado spoke about Goyo and the challenge of playing a neuroatypical character

Goyo He is a man with Asperger’s, a fan of Van Gogh, who He works as a guide at the Museum of Fine Arts in the City of Buenos Aires.. His life is governed by a structured routine that She is upset when she falls in love with Eva Monterothe new security guard. She lost faith in love and in herself. However, this unexpected encounter will make them discover another way to love and be loved

Nicolas Furtado stars Goyothe new movie of Netflix directed by Marcos CarnevaleWith this interpretation, the actor composes a character fragile, sensitive and transparente, demonstrating once again its amazing capacity for transformation.

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Nicolás Furtado and Nancy Dupláa star in a different love story (Netflix Press – Cleo Bouza)By: Cleo Bouza/Netflix

In dialogue with TN ShowFurtado and Carnevale talked about the challenge of This new project invites us to rediscover love and beauty in differences. A work that also has a cast of great artists: Nancy Duplaa like Eva Montero, Soledad Villamilas Saula, Goyo’s overprotective sister, and Pablo Ragolike Matute, the crony brother.

Nicolás Furtado and Marcos Carnevale reflected on the challenge of telling a different story

As in so many films, Marcos Carnevale addresses the theme of love. However, Goyo It has a peculiarity: its protagonists are a neuroatypical person and another neurotypical.

Asked about the challenges of telling this story, the director said: “The first thing was to achieve a real character“That is, to achieve a faithful construction of a person on the spectrum from the script, and for that I had advice. Once I had the score written, I had to find an actor who could interpret it with great responsibility and respect.”

Nicolás Furtado always looks for professional challenges and Goyo It certainly represented one. “When Marcos told me the plot, before reading the script, I already imagined it was a great opportunity. I felt like I could go for a new character with a significant amount of characterization, not just physically, but emotionally, psychologically, and everything that comes with playing someone who is neuroatypical. So it seduced me from moment one,” he said.

Nicolás Furtado plays Goyo, a man with Asperger’s condition (Photo: Netflix Press – Cleo Bouza)

“Nico worked with extreme responsibility, he is very meticulous when it comes to building his characters, very economical when it comes to choosing the characteristics and colors and he doesn’t get carried away, but rather chooses what the character requires,” said the director, who was happy with the result.

“Goyo”, the film that invites us to rediscover love and beauty in differences

Beyond Goyo’s condition and the fact that Eva is a neurotypical person, in the film she also the love of two worlds is shown because the characters are different ages, they live in different places, with different family situations and contexts… The film even suggests that this difference is what they have in common.

Marcos Carnevale, director of Goyo, with Nicolás Furtado. (Photo: Netflix Press -Cleo Bouza)By: Cleo Bouza / Netflix

In this regard, Carnevale reflected: “The proposal of Goyolike all my films, is precisely break away from judgment and prejudice. Goyo’s gaze is a gaze totally detached from any judgment of social status, age, intellectual level… He falls in love with a woman, plain and simple.“It doesn’t matter what neighborhood you’re from, how much you earn or how much you know. I believe, in a perhaps utopian way, that life should be like this.”

In the same vein, Furtado said: “The film precisely speaks of this possibility of loving and bonding beyond any difference. social, economic, cultural and generational. Precisely, a person on the spectrum, like Goyo, does not pay attention to those differences, nor does he judge things that the vast majority of society does.”

Goyo is a man with Asperger’s, a fan of Van Gogh, who works as a guide at the Museum of Fine Arts in the City of Buenos Aires (Photo: Netflix Press – Cleo Bouza)By: Cleo Bouza/Netflix

The film gives an account of inclusion in cinema not only in the narrative but in the execution. In this regard, the actor said: “We are responsible for showing these types of changes that are occurring in society.” “Although today there is talk of inclusion in many places, By making art with it we can show it from another place so that the public receives it in a different way and, in this way, help raise awareness,” he indicated.

For his part, Carnevale said: “It is not a hard line, you are immersing yourself in an emotional fiction and you navigate that content. I do it in all my films, but I always avoid pointing the finger. I simply show and realize that what is being pointed at is perhaps the same finger that is pointing at you, because We all have some deficiency floating around, something that we don’t quite complete.”.

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