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Photos from Araceli González and her children’s amazing trip to Italy

Araceli Gonzalez She is having a great time with her children: she went to Italy on vacation with Flor Torrente and Toto Kirzner, shortly after her 57th birthday. The actress decided to organize a family trip to fulfill one of her greatest dreams, after applying for Italian citizenship.

“Today we got our Italian passport. We are very excited to visit my great-grandfather’s land! Uffff! Very exciting. Ciao Milan. Monteferrario family. Piedmont region. Here we go,” the actress announced a few days ago on her Instagram account about the dream she was going to fulfill with her children, who were going to accompany her on this adventure through Italy.

González made the decision to embark on this trip to visit Piedmont, an Italian region, after obtaining citizenship of that country, which his children also enjoy today. After arriving at the place, the actress began to show each of the walks she took through her tourist attractions. One of her first stops was Turin where she showed some of the architecture and its gastronomic delicacies.

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Araceli González on a trip through Italy.

Araceli González’s trip to the Piedmont region

“Beautiful Turin! City to visit in 4 days! Three nights here is perfect! ”Araceli recommended, after her visit to the city. Additionally, in her Instagram stories, she gave more details about the guided tour she took, accompanied by a group. “They don’t know what this place is, a beauty,” the actress remarked about the Piedmont region.

“I’m a little lost because of the five hour difference but this is a dream,” she said about the time change that was affecting her physically and mentally. “Now we are on the fishermen’s island, which is much smaller than the one we were on before, it has only 30 inhabitants, we are going to eat a divine restaurant and then we continue exploring,” she added shortly after about another of her visits.

In her first days in Italy, the actress and her two children visited several places in the region, among which the Borromeo Palace stood out, characteristic of baroque architecture, and located on Lake Maggiore. But they also visited the San Vittore church, on the fishermen’s island.

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Araceli González traveling through Italy.

Araceli González’s makeover on the eve of her birthday

“My birthday is approaching! And changes are always coming. The house dresses up for a party and so does my heart. It makes me happy to have a birthday! Play whoever I leave and whoever comes! Hahaha The 57th is coming! And by a long shot learning! How about it? Shall we change the hair tone?” Araceli stated days ago on her networks.

“Do you dare to change? I always do! Yes, I can handle the process! Beautiful June! Full of precious memories from all my Junes. Here we go to enjoy and be thankful for being alive. Choosing every day who I want to be,” wrote Ara a little less than a week ago on her social networks.

Following through on the initiative she proposed in the post, this Friday the actress shared a video on social media making a change in her look and showing the process she had to go through to change her hair color considerably.

“She put all the vibe into it. My birthday is coming up and we’re starting with all the changes. Here we go 57,” she wrote in the exposed video, where Instagram users also highlighted the lipstick color she used for the occasion.

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Araceli González traveling through Italy with her children.

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