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Silvio Soldán spoke about his health after being urgently admitted to hospital in Uruguay

And he immediately detailed: “Something happened that was nothing because, really, It was simply a drop in pressure resulting from a little stress, but nothing serious, nothing serious.. And he continued telling: I had immediate help in Colonia, Eastern Republic of Uruguay, from the doctors, who of course, in a situation like this, are a little more scared than oneself. So, They kept me hospitalized for a few hours.

Finally, Soldan confirmed his return to Buenos Aires. “I am already returning to Buenos Aires, so I am, thank God, very well, and I want to deeply thank everyone for the concern they have had for me. Thank you very much and see you in Buenos Aires any time”he concluded.

The present of Silvia Süller and Silvio Soldán’s son: new love and gastronomic project

Christian SilvioThe son Silvio Soldan and Silvia Süller, spoke about his professional and sentimental present. In Show Partners They cited some of the statements that the boy gave in a note with La Nación.

In said report, the young man appeared alongside Denise Alvarohis girlfriend and partner. In 2023 they opened Deniks Bakeryin Bajo Belgrano, a coffee shop with its own production center: “The story began during the pandemic when she made cakes to send to friends; then it was breakfast boxes. It grew until we opened this place open to the public and we are also hired for catering sweet tables at all kinds of parties. Between all the places we employ 130 people, that makes us very happy in a difficult time and helps us all to progress, to grow.”.

Unlike his parents, Christian He chose a path away from the media. “I am too low-profile. The times I have appeared it was mostly for a tribute or something similar for one of my parents; otherwise, I try to avoid exposure, I don’t like it.”he stated.

The young man mentioned that he has no dealings with Silviabut yes with his father. “We have an excellent relationship. I live in the same building as him. Although we see each other almost every day, the obligatory visit to his house is when Boca plays and we take advantage of the opportunity to eat together.”held.

Christian He explained that he also has no relationship with his uncle. Guido. “I haven’t seen him for a long time. Yes, I’ve seen my aunt Norma, my uncle and their three children. My cousins ​​Sebastian, Yamila and Barbie have always been like brothers to me. We always see each other, for Easter, birthdays, to celebrate. Christmas, New Year’s, whatever.”he detailed.

The boy pointed out that his family ties are with his sister, Marilynand their cousins. “With my sister and them, the five of us are all like brothers. I have two nephews from her: Francisco and Benjamín, of whom I am the godfather.”accurate.

At the end, Christian He preferred not to make any statements about Silvia to avoid getting into a media war. “I haven’t had a relationship for many years. A lot of things happened. I prefer not to say more so as not to create controversy”he sentenced.

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