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Westcol prefers a cashier from Éxito to Aída Victoria Merlano

Westcol refers to having a relationship with a cashier.

Why did Westcol say that it prefers a cashier from Éxito stores to the diva Aída Victoria Merlano herself?

The famous streamer Westcol has become a trend on social networks after his recent breakup with the influencer Aida Merlano. The statements he made during his release have generated strong controversy and debate about power and relationships.

Controversial statements from Westcol

Amid the public dispute, Westcol has expressed his views on what kind of woman he should look for, something similar to the case of Gerard Piqué and Clara Chía, who was a secretary in one of his companies.

Westcol suggested that wealthy men may opt for poor women, implying that this guarantees fidelity despite poor treatment from them.

According to the logic of Westcol and several wealthy men, by having money they can choose a low-income woman like a cashier at Éxito stores and make them faithful even if they behave badly.

I have to get myself a girlfriend who works in a call center, something like that.who works at Claro or a girlfriend who works at HomeCenter or who works at Éxito as a cashier.

I can humiliate a successful girlfriend who works as a cashier or treat her badly and she will never leave me.because I am going to support her mother, she knows that if I leave her, her mother will be poor, no daddy, that is the strategy, you take her and you say let’s get her out of the neighborhood and you get her out of the neighborhood and make her live well and you can give her whatever horns you want,” said Westcol.

Aida Victoria and Westcol.

These words have been criticized by social media users, who consider them sexist and degrading towards women.

The controversy has amplified, generating debates about power dynamics in relationships and respect for women.

Westcol’s statements have not only angered many of his followers, but have also put the use of influence and money in relationships in the spotlight.

The discussion has led to reflection on how relationships are perceived and treated in the digital age, where the opinions and behaviors of public figures can have a significant impact on their audiences.

Read more: 100 million in Colombia is nothing: Westcol.

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