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Cande Molfese lived a chaotic morning and gave essential advice to his followers: “In case you are going to travel”

Written in SHOWS he 6/29/2024 · 11:15 a.m.

When traveling it is very important to carry all the documentation with you otherwise you may have a bad time like the one you experienced Cande Molfese: The bus left without her but with her suitcase on board.

Through her Instagram stories, the actress recounted the chaotic morning she went through while preparing to travel to Uruguay. The actress forgot her passport and, with the minutes counting, she had to return home to get it.

However, the ship that was to take her to Colonia left without her because it had yet another problem with the documentation.
“I tell what happened to me so that it doesn’t happen to anyone else in case they travel.”the artist said in her stories and explained: “It turns out that I couldn’t find my ID, but I had a previous one that lasts until 2030, and I said, ‘Well, I’ll travel with this one, it’s the same thing anyway.’ But no, since I already made a new one, they won’t let me travel with it.”

Cande also said that the bus departed a few minutes earlier than scheduled and she was unable to board, but her suitcase remained on board. My suitcase is already gone so God willing and the universe protect me that when I arrive it will still be there. “We have faith”he expressed.

Finally, on the way to Uruguay he made a reflection: “Things I think while watching this sunset. Maybe I shouldn’t get on that boat? Maybe this is the love of my life? Or an epic job proposal? Or is the other boat going to have turbulence? Or maybe I’m just a jerk?”

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