Symptoms of syphilis in men and women: these are the differences

Symptoms of syphilis in men and women: these are the differences
Symptoms of syphilis in men and women: these are the differences

Syphilis sample (Shutterstock)

The syphilis is a sexually transmitted infectionl (STI) caused by the highly contagious bacteria Treponema pallidum, which can cause serious complications if left untreated. Its symptoms vary between men and women and through its different stages: primary, secondary, latent and tertiary, as explained by the Mayo Clinic.

In the primary stage, syphilis symptoms in both genders begin with the manifestation of a chancre, which is a round, firm, usually painless ulcer that appears where the bacteria entered the body, that is, on the genitals, rectum, lip, or inside the mouth. Due to its painless nature and often hidden location, can go unnoticed, especially in women. In them, chancres can appear in the vagina or cervix, which makes them difficult to detect without a medical examination.

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In the secondary stage, both genders also share several signs. The rash characteristic of secondary syphilis can develop while the chancre is healing or several weeks later and usually appears on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, but can spread to other areas of the body. In general, does not itch and may be rough and reddish brown. Lesions similar to warts in the mouth, genital area, or rectum, as well as other signs: fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, patchy hair loss, headaches, weight loss, muscle aches, and fatigue.

In the tertiary stage, men and women experience serious complications. Tertiary syphilis can occur years after the initial infection and can cause severe damage to several organs, including the heart, brain, liver, bones and joints. Symptoms include neurological problems (paralysis, dementia, gradual blindness), cardiovascular problems (aneurysms, inflammation of blood vessels), and lesions on the skin, bones, and internal organs.

Although many of the symptoms of syphilis are similar in men and women, there are notable differences in how they manifest and are detected due to anatomical and gender differences. In men, chancres are more visible and usually appear on the penis or around the anal area, making them easier to detect early. Visibility and location of chancres often lead to faster medical consultation.

In women, chancres can develop inside the vagina or on the cervix, making them more difficult to detect without a medical exam. The internal location of chancres can delay diagnosis and treatment, increasing the risk of complications.

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Women pregnant can pass syphilis to your baby, which can cause Congenital syphilis. This condition can result in miscarriage, stillbirth, or serious complications in the newborn, such as deformities, developmental delay, or seizures.

Syphilis is diagnosed from a blood test (Shutterstock)
Syphilis is diagnosed from a blood test (Shutterstock)

He diagnosis of syphilis is carried out through blood test, cerebrospinal fluid tests or direct observation of the bacteria under a microscope in samples taken from lesions. It is essential that both men and women get screened regularly if they are at risk for STIs, as syphilis may have no obvious symptoms during the early, latent stages.

He treatment of syphilis is relatively simple and effective if detected early. Penicillin, an antibiotic, is the most common and effective treatment. In patients allergic to penicillin, other antibiotics can be used. It is crucial to follow full treatment and avoid sexual intercourse until tests indicate that the infection has been completely eradicated.

The prevention of syphilis involves safe sexual practices, including using condoms and dental dams, and getting tested for STIs regularly. Education and open communication with sexual partners about health status are also essential to prevent the spread of syphilis and other STIs.

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