advantages and disadvantages of the fad diet

advantages and disadvantages of the fad diet
advantages and disadvantages of the fad diet

Celebrities like Meghan Markle and Beyoncé are great defenders of the benefits of flexitarianism, which leads many of their followers to acquire the same habits. Experts from the European University insist on the importance of carrying out adequate nutritional planning and consuming as much fresh food as possible.

Concern for animal welfare, the desire to reduce the carbon footprint and the search for benefits for personal health are usually among the most frequent motivations of flexitarians. For Vicente Javier Clemente, professor of nutrition and training at the European University, The key to success is that “it is not as strict as veganism or vegetarianism and allows more flexibility when choosing what to eat. “This is a balanced diet that can be sustainable in the long term if planned properly to include all essential nutrients.”

Asked about the nutritional advantages, the specialist explains that flexitarianism “involves a greater intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains, while reducing the consumption of red and processed meats. And that can contribute to better heart health, a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes and better weight control, thanks to the high content of fiber and essential nutrients with a lower total caloric content. What has not been proven is that this regimen guarantees a reduction in the risk of colon cancer, as is often proclaimed on social networks, since “Numerous factors related to genetics and lifestyle come into play there.”

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As for the drawbacks of flexitarianism, “one of the main ones could be the possible lack of some crucial nutrients that are more abundant in meat and fish, such as vitamin B12, heme iron or omega-3, whose deficiency can cause long-term health problems,” warns Professor Clemente. Otherwise, the lack of strict rules can be an advantage for some people, but it can also create confusion when it comes to maintaining dietary consistency and lead to making less healthy food choices under the premise of flexibility.

The flexitarian diet, in short, offers a balanced and sustainable way to improve personal health and the well-being of the planet, as long as it is carried out with correct planning. Like any dietary approach, it is advisable that those considering adopting it consider their own nutritional needs and lifestyle.

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