I am a sleep specialist and these are my techniques for sleeping well during the summer

I am a sleep specialist and these are my techniques for sleeping well during the summer
I am a sleep specialist and these are my techniques for sleeping well during the summer

Dr. Eduard Estivill is a leading figure in the field of sleep medicine. Millions of people turn to him for help solving their problems and sleeping peacefully. Since March 1989, he has directed the Estivill Sleep Clinic at the Quirón-Dexeus Hospital in Barcelona and, since 1999, the Sleep Disorders Unit at the Hospital General de Catalunya.

The hottest weeks of the year are approaching and thanks to a video that he has published on his Instagram account, we can prepare ourselves with the tips he proposes.

Marc Mestres

Easy-to-follow tips for everyone

Estivill reminds us that heat can affect sleep. That’s why he proposes a series of easy measures that we can all follow before going to bed.

Head and wrists. The first of them is to wet our head with a damp towel. He also advises leaving it on the nightstand and reusing it throughout the night, if we wake up very hot. With this we will be able to lower the temperature of our brain before going to sleep. Another tip is to wet our wrists.

Shower. The third tip is to take a shower but not with cold water. Contrary to what it might seem, in cases of heat, cold showers are harmful. Cold water produces vasoconstriction that causes blood to reach the ends of our skin and produce heat. In this case, warm water showers are most recommended.

Fans. Finally, he recommends that all those who can afford to leave them on all night should use fans. Estivill reminds us that the use of air conditioning is less recommended because it can dry out the mucous membranes.

Via @dr.eduardestivill

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