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Recovery techniques to overcome muscle fatigue

A person immerses himself in running in the park (Illustrative Image Infobae)

A general malaise after intense workouts It is a frequent phenomenon and may be associated with muscular fatigue. This condition affects many athletes and amateurs who seek to maintain high physical performance, and can hinder both their progress and performance.

An amateur runner runs on the beach (Illustrative image Infobae)

According to the American magazine CQovercoming this fatigue involves following a series of recovery practices. These methods They allow not only to relieve muscle pain, but also to prepare the body for future training, thus optimizing each exercise session.

A person immersed in exercise, running between molecules and atoms of vibrant colors. The visual representation evokes the connection between physical training, vitality and molecular health. (Illustrative image Infobae)

Furthermore, they indicate that these practices include active recovery techniquesas walk either swimwhich maintains blood flow and helps eliminate metabolic waste accumulated in the muscles.

This is the moment when a lady dives into the pool after doing her training routine (VisualesIA)

One of the most effective techniques to aid recovery is the use of ice and massage. Laura MuirEuropean champion in the 1,500 meter dash, suggests to the magazine CQ Use ice baths to relieve muscle tension after intensive workouts. She soaks herself in ice cubes for ten minutes after her sessions.

In addition, physical therapy with sports massages, which can last up to an hour, is essential to eliminate any accumulated tension in the calves, tendons and back. Ellie BakerEuropean silver medalist in the under-23 800 meters, also recommends in the cq magazine, contrast showers, alternating between hot and cold water, to eliminate lactic acid and prepare the muscles for the next day. This technique is surely the most comforting for anyone, since it is very relaxing and not so much the placement of ice.

A 2017 study published in Frontiers in Physiology showed that the post-workout therapeutic massages They are effective in reducing muscle fatigue and improving performance. These massages increase skin temperature, improve Blood flow and lymphatic, and help to enter a state of relaxation.

Another essential and often underestimated recovery strategy is dream. Kyle Langford silver medalist at the Commonwealth Games in the 800 metres, emphasizes to the magazine the importance of sleep well and suggests, if possible, a nap two hours after morning sessions. It has been said that one hour of sleep before midnight is equivalent to two hours after, so Langford tries to go to sleep between midnight. 10:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m..

Sleeping is very important after training (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Nutrition also plays a fundamental role in muscle recovery. According to Charlie Grice, the fourth fastest British runner in the 1,500 metres, recovery begins immediately after the training routine. He recommends ingesting proteins and carbohydrates within the first 30 minutes after exercise. In unforeseen situations, such as running out of protein supplements, Grice opts for simple alternatives such as drink milk to ensure you receive the necessary nutrients. Additionally, in general, a diet rich in vitamin E is required, which is ideal to consume after exercising to preserve good health.

Delicious protein shake made with banana and nuts, ideal for after training – (Illustrative Image Infobae).

An additional strategy to speed recovery is to keep your body moving after an intense workout. Carol Macka specialist in strength and physical preparation, suggests doing gentle activities such as doing yoga either jog gently. These exercises low intensity help reduce muscle tension without adding additional stress to the human body.

A woman practicing yoga after training (Illustrative image Infobae)

He rest It is essential for anyone, especially after physical training. Drinking water or juice and taking a few minutes of rest after exercise are recommended practices to improve muscle recovery.

Man resting in a gym with bottle of orange juice (visualesIA)

take time to hydrate and rest contributes to the body’s recovery. After finishing a session of exercisethe body needs to replenish fluids and allow muscles to relax, which helps prevent muscular fatigue. This measure is key not only to feel better but also to avoid injuries and improve performance in future sessions.

Proper recovery is essential to overcome post-workout muscle fatigue. Incorporating techniques such as ice baths, massages, good rest, proper nutrition, gentle movements and the use of topical remedies can make a big difference in the performance and general well-being of any person and that is why it should be taken into account in the hour after perform these exercises.

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