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Pettovello named Yanina Nano Lembo as the replacement for Pablo De la Torre in Capital Humano: who is the new official

Yanina Nano Lembo was director in the Larreta government and will now take over the Ministry of Children and Family

After the food scandal, the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, appointed Yanina Nano Lembo in place of Pablo De la Torrea former director of the Ministry of Social Development of the Buenos Aires government. The decision – confirmed to Infobae by official sources – had the endorsement of President Javier Mileand since last week he has been closely following the crisis that broke out in that organization.

Nano Lembo had assumed, between 2021 and 2023, the General Directorate of Public-Private Articulation dependent on the Undersecretary of Development of Human Potential of the Ministry of Human Development and Habitat of the city of Buenos Aires. Since Milei took office, several officials who worked in Buenos Aires management became part of Capital Humano, a mega organization that brought together four ministries and the ANSeS.

Milei and Pettovello, in the photo that the president published to give him his support amid criticism

The official who will have to deal with the food scandal and the consequences of the discovery of irregular contracts will take over as Secretary of Children, Adolescence and Family, who among other tasks has the mission of sending food to soup kitchens and NGOs to serve people without resources. economical. Until now, Nano Lembo had been a member of the National Council for Social Policies.

After occupying that position in the government of the city of Buenos Aires, the new Secretary of Children, Adolescents and Family will have to start working with the distribution of thousands of tons of food that were retained in warehouses of the national government of Villa Martelli, in the Buenos Aires suburbs, and in the town of Tafí Viejo, in the interior of Tucumán.

Human capital reported that tomorrow the operation will begin to distribute the food collected in the warehouses located in Villa Martelli, Buenos Aires, and in Tafí Viejo, Tucumán. Along these lines, the portfolio signed an agreement with the CONIN Foundation so that, through 64 distribution centers, its dining rooms and picnic areas, it facilitates the provision of more than 465 thousand kilos of powdered milk to vulnerable social sectors. The delivery of the merchandise will last two weeks, taking into account the expiration dates of the products. According to the statement, “to guarantee “fast and intermediary-free” logistics”, the operation will have the collaboration of the Argentine Army and the Ministry of Defense.

The Child Nutrition Cooperating Foundation (CONIN), led by doctor Abel Albino, will be in charge of certifying, through the presentation of reports, the periodic progress and in a final report, the effective use of food by the canteens.

Pablo De la Torre with Sandra Pettovello

Yanina Nano Lembo will take over in an organization that was “emptied” after disassociating the entire team that she had assumed with De la Torre. Through resolutions 339, 340, 341 and 342, published this morning in the Official bulletinhe Ministry of Human Capital limited the appointments, to May 30, of three members of the Secretariat of Children, Adolescents and Family and the director of the area in charge of the logistics of the warehouses where the stocks of food, provisions, water, materials, mattresses and aid typical of an emergency or social assistance operate.

They are: Hector Nicolás CalventeUndersecretary of Social Policies; Maria Lucia RaskovskyUndersecretary of Territorial Policies and Human Development; Fernando de la Cruz Molina Pico, General Coordinator of the National Coordination Commission of the Microcredit Promotion Program for the Development of the Social Economy; and Esteban María Bosch, national director of Emergency of the Ministry of Human Capital. They had all arrived from the hand of De la Torre, a pediatrician, expert in assistance policies and care for people in a state of vulnerability. In addition, he is the brother of Joaquín De la Torre, former mayor of San Miguel and knows the Conurbano.

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