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She went to the doctor seven times urgently and they thought she was drunk, but she suffered from a rare illness

A 50-year-old woman was treated seven times in the emergency room for two years, with signs of alcohol poisoning despite not drinking. The condition caused medical confusion, until they discovered that suffered from a strange illness.

“She told the doctors that her religion does not allow her to drink, and her husband confirmed that she did not drink,” she began her story to cnn the doctor Rahel Zewudean infectious disease specialist at the University of Toronto, Canada.

Zewude treated the woman – who was not identified – and carried out a report on her case on Monday at the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

What is the disease that looks like alcohol poisoning?

According to the publication published by the media, the woman suffers from autobrewery syndrome, a rare and serious condition.

This disease, they point out, It occurs when an overgrowth of yeast or bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract converts carbohydrates in food into alcohol through fermentation.

The case in question is not the first to be described in medical literature since the 1940s.

In fact, it spreads New York Posta Belgian was acquitted of drunk driving charge in April after three doctors confirmed his diagnosis.

Brewery syndrome has symptoms of alcohol poisoning. Photo: Martín Bonetto

He is a former Long Island resident who He lost his teaching and coaching jobs due to alcohol-related allegations. A story she shared last year.

According to doctors, those people who suffer from diabetes, liver disease or inflammatory bowel disease They are at increased risk for self-brewing syndrome, which can also occur in healthy people who have taken antibiotics.

Symptoms of self-brewery syndrome

In the case of the Toronto woman, it is known that fought against excessive sleepiness. She would suddenly fall asleep while she was getting ready to go to work or when she was preparing to cook at her house.

Also He had some difficulty speaking and you could smell alcohol on his breath.. Finally, they decided to refer her to a gastroenterology clinic.

“If I didn’t eat a lot of carbohydrates, the symptoms weren’t as bad“Zewude confided during the interview.

People with inflammatory bowel disease are at greater risk of suffering from self-brewery syndrome.

“But then he could eat a piece of cake or another carbohydrate-rich food, which caused a rapid increase in his alcohol level. At those moments she could simply fall asleep,” added the health professional and author of the report.

It turned out that since she was 40 years old, the woman had experienced urinary tract infections that were treated with antibiotics. Additionally, he took a heartburn medication due to his heart disease. gastrointestinal reflux.

Dr. Zewude explained that the helpful bacteria in her intestinal tract began to decrease, paving the way for fermenting fungi will proliferate.

How to treat alcohol-drinking syndrome

Those patients diagnosed with self-brewing syndrome often take antifungal medications before starting a long-term probiotic to improve their levels of beneficial bacteria, he reports.

It is also recommended buy a breathalyzer to measure breath levels in the morning, at night, or when symptoms occur.

The Canadian patient finished her antifungal therapy, and now continues a very low carbohydrate diet after suffering a relapse.

Recommends purchasing a breathalyzer to measure alcohol levels in your breath at all times.

The woman has a very supportive husband, who was responsible for calling immediately when he noticed that she started to smell of alcohol again.

“For anyone dealing with the syndrome, it is important that your spouse, friend or roommate knows the signs and symptoms and communicates with doctors,” warns the specialist about this strange syndrome that baffled doctors.

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