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Is AI going to ‘steal’ jobs from Medicine?

The new toOpenAI GPT-4 update opens the possibility of analyze audio, videos and photos, beyond the text. A context that makes the tool a vehicle to be able change the approach of current medicine. Julián Isla, head of Data Consulting and Artificial Intelligence Resources at Microsoft Spain, assures Medical Writing that this new advance “is especially relevant to the medical field.”

One of the questions that arise is whether this influence on the approach to Medicine will endanger the doctor’s job position. The response from the Artificial Intelligence (AI) expert is clear: “These types of functionalities will not negatively influence the work of doctors in the future“. Not only that, but he assures that on the contrary “it can be a tool that works in favor of doctors.”

Will AI steal jobs from doctors?

“AI is not going to ‘steal’ jobs from professionals. More than taking jobs from them, will make them more effective and able to cover the expected increase in demandgiven that the main problem we face is the lack of professionals,” says Isla. Furthermore, he remembers that, in this case, “it is not only about covering the demand as if it were a job in a factory, but to ensure that technology increases the satisfaction of professionals with the work they do.” This, remember, “will benefit patients, which is the ultimate objective of the use of technology in health.”

Beyond confirm the usefulness of AI to facilitate the work of doctors, Julián Isla recalls that there is still a great challenge ahead: understanding how generative artificial intelligence is capable of solving real problems. “From my point of view, the main problem to be solved is the automation of administrative processes either routine or extremely demanding from a cognitive point of view,” indicates the expert. In this way he argues that artificial intelligence “can be a great advance, since it will free up professionals’ time and allow them to concentrate on what is most important.” relevant for them and for the patient.

“The result of AI in Medicine always has to be supervised by a human”

Also, remember that there are several aspects to take into account when using and applying this type of tools in the work of doctors. “As language models have a stochastic nature, that is, non-deterministic and with a certain degree of randomness, the result always has to be supervised by a human”, emphasizes expert. “In addition, although we know that language models are powerful, we have areas of ignorance about their real capabilities in certain areas. Another factor to consider is biases, and every project needs a good evaluation to try prevent bias from putting patient safety at risk”concludes Julián Isla.

Potential of AI in Medicine

A recent study by Randstad Research predicted that, in the next decade, AI will create 163,256 jobs related to the field of healthcare activities. The same study determined that there will be 102,035 jobs in the health activities sector could be ‘threatened’ by the arrival of AI, while the calculation of new jobs stands at 306,105. This means that AI does not threaten the sector but, taking both variables into account, There will be 204,070 new employment opportunities in the countryside.


Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a healthcare professional.

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