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Fall sleep late? This is what it could do to your health, according to a study

It is usually common for people to have the habit of fall sleep in the wee hours of the morning for different reasons. Whether due to lack of sleep, leaving things to do or simply for pleasure, there are those who stay up quite late.

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However, a recent study revealed that the fact that people stay up late at night May cause serious damage to health.

According to a study carried out by researchers from Stanford Medicinestaying up until the wee hours of the morning can cause serious mental health problems of people.

What happens if I go to bed late at night?

After the study carried out at 75 thousand adults, the sleep schedule preferred by the participants was compared. There, it was found that regardless of preferred bedtime, everyone benefits from falling asleep early. However, night owls have high rates of suffering from mental and behavioral disorders when falling asleep later than the rest.

In that sense, the professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and lead author of the study, Jamie Zeitzerpointed out that “alignment with your chronotype is not crucial here, and actually staying up late It’s not good for your mental health.”

Of the 73,880 participants in the study, 19,065 were considered early risers, 6,844 night owls and 47,979 intermediate in terms of their sleep behavior.

Along these lines, sleep behavior in early risers was categorized (the earliest 25%), night owls (25% later) and people with intermediate behavior (the remaining 50%). According to Zeitzer, this categorization is more meaningful since different groups may have different sleep patterns.

After analyzing the above, it was verified that both morning people and night owls who go to bed late had higher rates of mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. In that context, there are several explanations for the connection between sleep schedule and mental well-being, but according to Zeitzer, it is likely due to bad decisions people make in the early hours of the morning.

In this way, according to the study, overnightmany harmful behaviors are more commonsuch as suicidal thoughts, violent crimes, drinking alcohol and taking drugs, as well as overeating.

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