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Valentina Bassi and her fight for her son’s health: “Today disability is in emergency”

Valentina Bassi claims for the disability law

“When I processed my son’s single certificate of disability (CUD), 13 years ago, I was afraid because he had a very good social work, but very small. I expressed my fear to the person who helped me. I didn’t know if they were going to have the structure of therapists that my son was going to need. He told me ‘Don’t worry, Valentina, in Argentina we have a law. They explained to me about the unique nomenclature. If you have the CUD and have the prescription, you choose any therapist you want, as long as they are registered with the SSS. That’s what could now disappear” he expressed Valentina Bassi a few days ago in a video supporting the Disability Law that was delivered to the Permanent Forum for the Promotion and Defense of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

“All children demand a lot, but a pre-adolescent child with autism demands more attention and care than others.”mentioned the actress, underlining the intensity and commitment required for raising Lysander.

His fight is not new but in this framework and in the face of the current situation, he decided to reinforce his active participation. “Today disability is in emergency. For years the nomenclature has almost failed to cover anything. Transporters have had to stop taking people with disabilities to their therapies, they are not able to attend and lose their shifts. We have a lot of problems that we should be trying to solve. What happens is that we have to go back to defend how essential it is to defend the single nomenclature, that protects equal conditions between people with disabilities. Even if you have the most expensive prepaid or you don’t have anything. That’s why we have to defend the single nomenclature,” the actress told Teleshow.

Valentina Bassi with her son Lisandro when he was little, today he is 16 years old

If each financing entity begins to say what it wants to charge, access to therapies will be completely unequalbecause there will be people who can have access and others cannot,” Valentina noted worriedly.

The nomenclature is very important, which is like the heart of the law; It has to be by law, that is, the problem was that the disability law came out and it is great, it is a great support but the single nomenclator came out by decree. Until now there had never been a problem, but now there is. So what we have to try and what we are trying to ensure is that the single nomenclature is already integrated into the law, so that we never have problems again. We are all very scared, both providers and family members, as people with disabilities.”, noted the actress.

—In the case of your son, what therapies do you use?

—He goes to a special school, double day, has a therapeutic companion, and music therapy. That is contemplated by this law, everything is contemplated by the law through the Superintendence of Health Services and through the social work that I have, which is the Actors’ Social Work. The corresponding papers are authorized by my social work and then I can access those therapies, that is what begins to disintegrate. If the single nomenclature is broken, the institutions will begin to falter, in reality it is already happening in many cases.”

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