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Soup? Tea? What foods are beneficial when you are sick

The fact that we lose our appetite when we are sick is complex and not fully understood (Illustrative Image Infobae)

When feeling sick, many turn to chicken soup, tea or hot infusions. Experts like Colleen Tewksburydietician and nutrition professor at University of Pennsylvania, explain why the disease affects our appetite. “When someone who is sick loses their appetite or thirst, it is a sign that their immune system “He is working intensely,” he explained to NG Tewksbury. However, this represents a challenge, since The body needs fluids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals to fight illness and recover.

Shea Millsexpert of the Mayo Clinic in phoenix, adds that proper nutrition can speed recovery, increase energy levels and strengthen the immune system. It emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet during illness to cover all the nutritional needs of the body.

The fact that we lose our appetite when we are sick is complex and not fully understood. The immunologist of the Yale University, Ruslan Medzhitov, suggests that our bodies are optimized to survive and not necessarily to make us feel better. That could be explained in part as an evolutionary vestige where the effort to get food when one was sick involved significant risks.

Additionally, the body uses different energy sources during illness. Normally, it feeds on glucose from food, but during periods of fasting, fatty acids are used as an alternative source of energy. This can protect the body’s tissues and organs against inflammation caused by pathogens.

A 2016 study by Medzhitov and colleagues showed that mice infected with the influenza virus benefited from feeding, while those infected with the bacteria Listeria No. Studies like these illustrate the complex relationship between diet and disease.

Finally, Tewksbury points out that the response to lack of appetite varies by individual, depending on their response to stress. Recovery from common illnesses such as the cold can be improved with an adequate intake of foods rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C.

The body needs fluids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals to fight illness and recover (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Eat properly during disease It is crucial to accelerate recovery, according to various studies. Each pathology can modify the nutritional needs of the body, and it is essential to adapt the diet to these new demands.

According to statements collected in multiple reports, including interviews with experts, the selection of foods depends on the type of disease one suffers from. For example, eating smaller, more frequent meals may be more convenient when you are sick, rather than the usual large meals.

Broth-based soups are rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes (Illustrative Image Infobae).

The famous Chicken Soup It is a recipe that meets multiple nutritional requirements. Broth-based soups are rich in protein, vitaminsminerals and electrolyteswhich is beneficial, especially for upper respiratory tract infections. “Hot, steaming soups can also help break down mucus.”explained one of the specialists in the reports consulted.

Vitamins and minerals are essential components that should not be missing in a diet balanced during illness. Vitamin Cpresent in fruits and vegetables, acts as a powerful antioxidant that supports the immune system. Vitamin Dfound in foods such as blue Fishmushrooms and red meat, also has properties that can shorten the duration of illnesses.

Eating properly during illness is crucial to speed up recovery, according to various studies (Illustrative image Infobae)

Hydration is another key aspect when facing any type of pathology.. It is important to consume decaffeinated drinks such as herbal tea, water, 100% fruit juices and low-sugar electrolyte drinks. These alternatives can promote hydration, which is essential when facing symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea or fever, which cause fluid loss.

Additionally, controlled zinc supplementation could be beneficial at the onset of certain respiratory infections. However, it is crucial to administer this supplement within the first 24 hours from the onset of symptoms and always under the supervision of a health professional to avoid possible damage from high doses. A group of experts highlights the importance of listen to the body during illness to determine which foods may provide relief.

Capsaicin is a component found in chili peppers and can help break up mucus and clear the airways.. However, it can also cause nausea or increase mucus production. Cold drinks can soothe a sore throat, but could make the situation worse if there is high mucus production, expert Tewksbury explained.

Chili peppers can help dissolve mucus and clear the airways (Illustrative Image Infobae)

In Medzhitov’s analysis, it is argued that observing the body’s preferences during illness is probably the best strategy. He indicates that food cravings and displeasures are not random, but rather signals that the body has learned to recognize over millions of years of evolution. “If your body needs vitamin Cyou will crave something that contains it, although sometimes we do not know what that craving is for,” Medzhitov said in statements reported in the media.

Medzhitov suggests that resting when tired and eating what is appealing in appropriate portions may be the best wisdom available. This approach is based on the idea that the body has innate mechanisms to guide people to what they need to recover from an illness.

This “trial and error” approach suggests that there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Each person must pay attention to the signals of their body and adjust their diet and rest accordingly, according to various information platforms.

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