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U. Mayor delegation represented Chile at an outstanding conference on Sports Medicine – Diario Mayor


June 7, 2024

Viewed: 50

Seven students and the director of the Medical Specialty in Sports Medicine and Physical Activity participated in the 71st version of the Annual Congress organized by the American College of Sports Medicine, where they presented four works related to their discipline.

TOna Belén Vieira, Josefina Izurieta, María Paulina Fuenzalida, Magdalena Torres, María Fernanda González, Diego García Pastora and Diego Solís. They are the seven residents of the Medical Specialty in Sports and Physical Activity Medicine who traveled to Boston (USA) to participate in the 71st Annual Congress of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

The objective of the visit was to present four investigations that they have been developing in their program and are part of their graduation theses and in addition the students were able to meet the new president of the ACSM, Dr. Stella Volpe, along with attending talks on different work methodologies and learning.

After her return to Chile, Dr. Sandra Mahecha, director of the Medical Specialty, who also traveled with the group, valued the experience and highlighted the importance of establishing these international ties.

“Our Specialty is a pioneer in Chile and was recently accredited (see note HERE). In this context, this trip is a historical milestone, because we were able to represent Chile with seven specialists and their research carried out together with teachers, in the clinical fields and one of them with the U. Mayor Genomics and Bioinformatics Center, in the area of microbiota and physical activity. “We were able to establish contact networks with people who do science in our areas of interest and thus be able to generate joint work in the future,” he concluded by saying.

Research in physical exercise

Another of these investigations was carried out by undergraduate student Daniela Maturana with her guiding professor Johana Soto, an academic at the U. Mayor Biomedicine Center. This work consists of retrospectively determining the effectiveness of a physical exercise intervention in patients with diffuse lung disease, which helps reduce the risk of mortality of patients and improves their quality.

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