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A balanced diet not only benefits our physical health, but also impacts our mental health and mood.

The brain works 24 hours a day, even while we sleep, and needs good nutrition to function optimally. Eating low-nutritious foods or fast food over the long term causes inflammation and could contribute to the development of some mental pathology, such as depression and anxiety.

Results of a “Time and Wellbeing” survey carried out by the Cetep Group reveal that 60% of those surveyed perceive that they do not eat healthily. Added to this, data from the Ministry of Health in Chile, 6.2% of people suffer from depression and 15.8% would be under “suspected depression”, and an x-ray carried out by the Cetep Group showed that close to 40% of the population suffers from anxiety.

To improve mental health and combat anxiety, depression and insomnia, Camila Soto, nutritionist at Grupo Cetep, Centro, an ecosystem of Mental Health and Wellbeing solutions, recommends incorporating certain foods into the diet:

1. Raw vegetables:

Vegetables are an excellent source of fiber, which helps reduce intestinal inflammation associated with mental health conditions. Broccoli, cauliflower and spinach are beneficial options. It is better to prioritize fresh and seasonal vegetables, but it is worth remembering that these foods in their frozen form maintain all their micronutrients.

2. Fermented Foods:

These foods, such as kimchi, miso, plain yogurt, and kombucha, contain probiotics that restore good bacteria in the gut, maintaining a healthy gut biome.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Essential for brain function, omega-3s are found in fish such as salmon, and in seeds such as flax and chia. They have anti-inflammatory properties that promote mental health.

4. Vitamin D:

This vitamin is vital for mood and can be obtained through sun exposure and foods such as fortified milk and mushrooms.

5. Spices:

Turmeric, oregano, rosemary, ginger and garlic not only improve the flavor of foods but also offer antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

6. Tea:

Teas like green and chamomile contain compounds that can reduce anxiety and improve sleep. The L-theanine in green tea helps with concentration and reduces brain fog.

Nutrition as a Tool for Well-being

Nutrition is a powerful tool in caring for mental and brain health. A balanced diet, rich in essential nutrients, can significantly improve emotional and cognitive well-being.

In addition to diet, it is important to manage stress, maintain regular physical activity, and seek professional support when necessary. Adopting healthy eating habits is a fundamental step to achieving comprehensive well-being.

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