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Men’s Health Week: “How fathers’ mental well-being impacts the family”

In International Men’s Health Week (June 10-16) and on the verge of celebrating Father’s Day, the parenting specialists at Triple P – Positive Parenting Program encourage dads, stepfathers, grandparents and everyone who is exercising the role of a father figure, to prioritize their mental health and see seeking help with parenting issues as a superpower that has a positive ripple effect on the entire family.

Dr Alan Ralph, head of training and clinical psychologist at Triple P, warns that parents’ mental health and wellbeing is worsening amid increasing financial pressures and struggles to balance work and family life.

“In the Triple P Parenting Survey (2024), conducted with 3,800 parents in Australia, more than a third of dads said that the cost of living crisis is affecting their ability to stay calm and be loving parents,” says Dr. Ralph.

“In addition,” he adds, “almost half (46%) of those who responded to the query said they felt guilty for the (little) amount of time they spent with their children.”

According to the specialist, these findings reveal how increased stress, worry and continuous feelings of guilt can lead to greater mental health problems. But by prioritizing self-care and opening up to asking for help—whether talking to a close friend, a family doctor, another health professional, or seeking support on parenting issues—dads can mitigate the negative or long-term impact. term.

“When parents care about their well-being, this can also have a positive impact on their children’s overall health and well-being,” says Dr. Ralph. “Men’s Health Week is a timely reminder for fathers to monitor their mental health and understand how important it is for them and their families to ensure their well-being.”

Keys to well-being and mental health

• Taking care of yourself is not selfish. On the contrary, it is an important parenting skill. Small changes, like taking some time for yourself, staying active, or connecting with friends, can help prevent stress from building up.

• Spending quality time with family is very positive. However, parents can also find it comforting to know that just a few brief moments of genuine connection with their children can make all the difference. When children and adolescents want to share something with their father, whether it is an anecdote, a problem or something that simply generates curiosity or enthusiasm, tune in to them and really listen to them (that is, with 100% attention), even if Whether it’s just a few minutes, it sends them the message that they are loved and important.

• Children do not come with a parenting manual, and during these stressful times for many families around the world, it is important to dispel the myth that asking for help is a sign of weakness or incompetence. Rather, it is a sign of strength.

• Like any other skill, parenting takes time and practice to master. Every parent is constantly learning and updating their toolbox. It’s okay to be kind to yourself if it’s difficult, and remembering to ask for help is a positive step. It is good to seek support and resources to obtain new tools that adapt to the needs of him as a father and those of his children.

“Participating in positive parenting programs has been shown to have beneficial outcomes for both children and families, with early intervention in the parenting process leading to better long-term outcomes,” says Dr. Ralph.

“By being open about their struggles and accessing help, parents and caregivers can create a positive and loving home environment. “This strengthens the emotional resilience of children and adolescents, and gives them the opportunity to acquire important life skills,” she concludes.

Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is available in different communities in Chile and free of charge for fathers, mothers and caregivers, through Chile Crece Más and the Lazos Program.

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