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Matthei drops five points in a month and Kast barely rises one

With the presidential race unofficially underway, in the midst of the sincerity of Rodolfo Carter (former UDI), current mayor of La Florida, ensuring that he will undergo a primary in his sector to face Evelyn Matthei, mayor of Providencia and card of unionism, emphasizing that he will beat him, The surveys show a quite different reality that, for the moment, does not favor him.

This is at least evidenced by the latest survey of Criteriawhich gives an account of the citizen pulse ahead of the November 2025 elections, where the staunch opponent of Gabriel Boric’s administration does not appear well.

“Thinking about the future, who would you like to be the next president of Chile after Gabriel Boric?” is the query formulated by the survey that appeals to a single mention in an open question, the result of which points to seven names that lead people’s preferences, with political faces such as Franco Parisi and Marco Enríquez-Ominami among them, in a panel that also includes official figures such as the Ministers of the Interior, Carolina Tohá, and the General Secretariat of the Government, Camila Vallejo.

As has been a trend for a few months, the preferences ahead of the presidential election leads the current authority of Providencewhich prevails over the rest with 25% of the support corresponding to the current month’s survey, although it shows a decrease of 5% compared to May.

Matthei secondwith almost half of the citizen support that the emblematic female face of the UDI, the far-right, has José Antonio Kastwho rises one percentage point in relation to the previous Criteria survey, going from 12% to 13%.

And in third placemaintaining her support compared to the previous version of the public opinion study, former President Michelle Bacheletwho remains the official letter with the greatest support (10%) despite the fact that he has repeatedly stated that he has no intention of returning to La Moneda.

And Carter?

Admitting to being in a particular stage, Carter commented on how he faces his departure from the commune in the south-west sector. It is “a very emotional process for me, leaving my job… the most beautiful job I have had on the road, the closeness with the neighbors” of La Florida, he said this Tuesday, June 11, confirming his intention to settle in La Moneda, context in which he defended his options in the primaries of his sector, showing that he was very sure that he would be able to prevail over the current authority of Providencia.

«Once I finish my work in December, I will compete in the primary of Chile Vamos, I’m going to beat Evelyn Matthei«, he maintained in Agriculture alluding to an expectation that, for now, is not consistent with the latest Criteria result, where it is not mentioned at least among the first seven names made official by the survey.

At the same time, the president of the UDI, Javier Macaya, took distance of the communal chief’s statements, making it clear how unionism faces the presidential race to succeed Boric.

“The primary elections, just as a primary election was signed in the commune of La Florida, have to be signed by the parties of the coalition in which they are, in this case, for Chile Vamos, for everyone, unanimously,” he said, alluding to the expectations of the former Falangist militant.

Continuing with his statements, the senator also deepened his position. “I do not think that today, in a scenario where there are challenges as relevant as agreeing on a single candidacy, we do something so old politics, like fighting over the press or sending destructive messages and messages to each other,” he said.

“Have you seen anything more like old politics than fighting over the press and making statements and summonses? There is a long time left until the presidential election, I believe that it is legitimate for people to have aspirations, but I always hear some people in politics criticize the old politics, that there is no room for measurements,” Macaya stressed in statements collected the aforementioned station, honest with its questions about Carter’s media coverage.

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