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Low-impact exercise that works almost all muscles and prevents diseases

June 15, 202405:32


Easy, complete and non-impact exercise. The nordic walking is imposed as a growing sport modality: it consists of walking at a fast pace with ski-like poles. It is a discipline that, although it is not new, has gained popularity in recent years and is becoming increasingly stronger thanks to the fact that it is suitable for all ages and provides physical and mental benefits.

Also nicknamed nordic walking It is an activity that originated in Finland in 1930. It emerged as an alternative training that cross-country skiers could do in summer or in case there was no snow and thus, Make sure you don’t lose consistency. But it was only in the 90s that he began to attract the attention of other athletes who were enthusiastic about outdoor activities. Thus his fame increased, he crossed borders and landed in Germany and Austria, countries that adopted this practice en masse. Later, in the early 2000s, he came to the United States.

As explained by the physical trainer and specialist in exercise physiology and high performance, Diego Demarco, Nordic walking is based on walk with special poles similar to ski poles. “This technique gained many followers among people who lived in mountain areas because it was a way to have balance while walking along winding and sloping paths,” says the specialist.

In this regard, Javier Furman, kinesiologist and physiotherapist, adds that it is also a common practice among those over 60 years of age: “Canes assist people who do not have good spine, lumbar or joint health. They serve to distribute the weight around the body and not concentrate it in a particular area,” says Furman.

In this sport there is nothing left to chance and although at first glance it seems like a conventional walk, the truth is that its execution It involves a precise technique. “It is more demanding than a traditional walk and when faced with a failure in the grip and support of the canes, it is common to injure the rotator cuff, a set of tendons that support the shoulders,” details Furman.

For people over 60: Nordic walking is an exercise where you walk with special poles similar to those used for skiing.Shutterstock

In Nordic walking you walk at a medium or intense pace. “The stride should be longer than when walking without canes and the arms should move fluidly with the elbows flexed at 90 degrees,” says Demarco.

When putting this method to the test, a report from Harvard University published in the journal Harvard Health Publishingmentions that there are two techniques that can be adopted depending on the intensity of the walk. The first one they describe has to do with nailing the sticks at the same time and symmetrically and then taking three steps forward. The other option is to bat alternately, accompanying the movement of the feet. The important thing, the institution highlights, is that both the cane and the foot push off and hit the floor at the same time.

Specifically, Nordic walking poles are rigid and long and differ from trekking or hiking poles, which are tied to the wrists with straps. In these cases, the hands adhere to a kind of glove so “you use your palms instead of your fingers to transmit the energy and propel yourself forward,” explains cardiologist Aaron Baggish in the Harvard statement.

In relation to the materials, they are characterized by being light. The aluminum ones are designed for beginners, they are inexpensive, but they vibrate upon impact on the ground; The carbon ones are designed for advanced athletes who do long distances since they are more resistant.

Like all sports, Nordic walking offers multiple physical and mental benefits. The use of poles doubles the advantages of walking. In Demarco’s terms, in this practice “not only the muscles of the legs are worked but also those of the arms, back and abdominals. From a biomechanical point of view, walking with canes provides more support, stability and improves posture,” adds the physical trainer.

According to Furman, “we can compare Nordic walking with the work done on an elliptical where crossed movements of the legs and arms are performed and this strengthens the abdomen and spine, improving stability and strength.” .

Demarco agrees that it is a recommended practice for those who suffer from some pathology: “It is ideal for those who have pathologies in the joints, knees, hips or spine, since it is an activity without impact and with safe movements. “Then the body is not exposed to the risks that running, for example, entails.”

Another report from Harvard University indicates that in this discipline combines cardiovascular work, typical of an aerobic activity, with muscular work: “When you walk normally, without sticks, the lower hip muscles are activated, but when you complement it with the use of canes, the middle area and upper body are also brought into play,” they explain. In this way, they reveal that between 80 and 90% of the muscles are exercised, unlike a conventional walk where only 50% are put into play.

At the same time, as in all aerobic training, the cardiovascular system is worked, Circulation is improved, blood pressure is regulated and bad cholesterol (LDL) is reduced. In parallel, as long as it is practiced with discipline and perseverance, it is considered an ally to prevent the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes since this type of exercise stabilizes glucose. Other virtues are that it helps reduce adipose tissue.

And the list goes on. As Demarco lists, since it is an outdoor activity in contact with nature, it provides psychological advantages: it provides a feeling of freedom and fulfillment, improves mood, releases stress and anxiety that may have accumulated, promotes the ability to pay attention and concentrate.

In Nordic walking, crossed movements of the legs and arms are executed and this strengthens the abdomen and spine, improving stability and strength.Shutterstock
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