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Between “little games” of Petrism and the opposition, a motion of censure was carried out against the Minister of Health, what happened?

09:28 PM

What was expected to be a motion of censure more in the House of Representatives, which stipulated that nothing would happen, ended up being a tough debate this Monday where the Minister of Health, Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo, He demanded respect for his dignity and told the opposition that he was cited for violating the law for not meeting the requirements for a procedure like this.

The discussion focused on the fact that there was not the minimum number of summonses, nor did Minister Jaramillo have direct responsibility, such as the management of the structuring of the new teaching model through Fomag.

In that discussion, the plenary session took more than two hours so that Jaramillo could fully start the debate. Although The position of Petrism was that there could be no motion and more than 50 representatives requested it in a proposal, in the end the president of the House, Andrew Streetthe debate started.

One of the summoners, the representative of Dignidad y Compromiso, Jenifer Pedraza, He considered that the teachers who marched this Monday not only did so for education, but also for the government’s failure to issue a health model for them.

This is a government that had promised to solve the health system crisis, Unfortunately, it has disappointed the Colombian teachers and I am going to demonstrate how the responsibility falls mainly on the Minister of Health Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo, because his participation in Fomag has been so definitive in all the decisions, not only in the theoretical planning, but in the models. contracting of the tariff manual that ended up being implemented in this health model and I am sure that any judge would protect our right to carry out this motion of censure,” said Pedraza.

Representative Alejandro García pointed out in his speech that “Here we cannot ignore the importance of the motion of censure against the Minister of Health. Poor management is a cost that we cannot assume within the health system. The new teacher model is being implemented without planning, with improvisation and haste. A process in which, in addition, the Government named people implicated in alleged acts of corruption: specifically the Fiduprevisora, an entity that is in charge of hiring more than 2,000 IPS but, additionally, in charge of responding to more than 800,000 teachers. What is happening with Fomag is the result of terrible administrative management, a lack of control of resources and half-hearted medical care.”

The representative to the House of Historical PactAlejandro Ocampo pointed out that the speakers have not included a single contract signed by the minister. “This is a political persecution where the only objective is to remove the head of the minister. It doesn’t matter how they do it, the important thing is to hit it because He has dared to say what many Colombians think, that a handful of politicians and businessmen have profited from health money while Colombians die at the door of a hospital waiting for a medicine, an exam,” said Ocampo.

Ocampo’s position was harshly rejected by the representative Cathy Juvinaowho maintained that what Petrism was seeking was to repeat what was done last Friday, where the pension reform because it was rejected the project without allowing discussion of the articles.

The Minister of Health responded in a very controversial way to those who summoned him. First he told them that Your call was made in violation of the law. and it must be at least 10% of the representatives who must cite it, but on this occasion only 17 and not 18 signed as appropriate.

Jaramillo showed a record in which, according to him, it was evident that the debate was inadmissible, “They can’t tell me that they summoned me in any other way… Mr. President, I ask you for all your respect. I have immense respect for you, but I do hope that you respect me so that I can respond to what I have to respond to and why I am stating it here. “This is inappropriate.”

Jaramillo insisted to the person presiding over the session at that time, representative Carlos Ardila, that “I ask you, Mr. President, to respect a minister who comes here to present this situation,” so Ardila clarified that all guarantees were given.

In his speech, Jaramillo argued why he was not competent to respond in the motionNy focused on the fact that Fomag was the one that organized the new health model and is directly responsible, a task that does not correspond to his role as Minister of Health. In the midst of those positions that they considered as clear tricks by the different political sectors so that the motion would not be successful.

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