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What is this and why does it happen?

YesIt is always at the center of controversy and in after-dinner conversations. YeahEverything we eat is healthy, from ultra-processed food, which is already known to be harmful to health, such as meat. It is worth remembering the great controversy a while ago about the Minister of Consumer Affairs, Alberto Garzón.

Well now the media focus is on the supermarket company that operates in Spain, Lidl. According to a microbiological analysis commissioned by the Animal Welfare Observatory from a laboratory in Germany The chicken meat from this chain would be 71% contaminated with pathogens resistant to antibiotics.

Antibiotic resistance is not a minor issue, it is something dangerous and something that today’s scientists are working to solve in the future. It happens when bacteria find resistance to antibiotics and therefore do not achieve the desired effect. often becoming impossible to treat when faced with a bacterial infection.

The observatory, upon learning of these data, informed the Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Agriculture. It is worth mentioning that 142 trays from several countries were analyzed and according to the results, 38% are contaminated by listeria and 83% by diarrheal pathogens. such as E.coli and Campylobacter.

Why can this contamination occur?

This may be due to the use of medications on these types of farms, and It is related to the treatment that these animals have in production farms, since if they are in overcrowded conditions, diseases spread.

Lidl defended itself in a statement in which they announced that: “They reserve the right to take legal action,” since this report attacks his honor and reputation. Furthermore, he added that they have “internationally recognized certification endorsements such as the ‘International Food Standard’ or the ‘British Retail Consortium’.

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