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The happiest people have this SIMPLE habit in common that they do every day at home

Who doesn’t go in search of happiness? This emotional state is one of the most coveted treasures in the entire history of humanity, since we conceive it as the maximum exponent of well-being and triumph of life. In fact, when we manage to be happy, the worry comes that it is difficult to stay that good, fearing that there will be a dramatic twist in the script.

We look for all possible mechanisms to achieve firm and lasting happiness. Some of these involve sitting with a therapist to improve the management of our feelings, going on a trip to disconnect or meditating in our daily lives to avoid stress. All these things are excellent to become happy, but sometimes, it is not enough. There are many factors that do not depend on usif not from external sources or from the environment itself, so we should not despair if we cannot control this.

Many experts have given their verdict on how to achieve complete happiness and how to overcome obstacles, which are not in our power, to achieve it. There is one, Cecil Konijnendijkwho has done a study that determines the 3-30-300 rule so that our mood is excellent.

how to be happy? The 3-30-300 rule

The happiest people share the 3-30-300 rule.


The researcher and writer Cecil Konijnendijk, in his study ‘The 3-30-300 Rule for Urban Forestry and Greener Cities’, collected from the ResearchGate web portal, reveals to us what is the fundamental rule to achieve happiness in our own home, and what we must do to achieve it. The author from the Netherlands says we need to be constantly surrounded by nature and that the focus should be placed on turning cities into authentic green lungs. He tells us that to mitigate the effects of climate change and reduce the environmental impact, administrations and different organizations must get to work to achieve it. However, we have the power to be happy and put an end to the situation that can lead us to a very severe degradation of nature. To do this, we must follow the 3-30-300 rule. We explain it to you!

1. See 3 trees from home

The first rule of this rule is to see, at least, 3 trees from each house, whether from the terrace, garden or a window. Konijnendijk says that this contributes positively to our mood and being in contact with nature with some regularity. Furthermore, he comments that this technique was infallible during the COVID-19 confinement, since being able to observe trees and green spaces helps to feel well emotionally.

2. Each neighborhood must be covered 30% by trees

This is one of the most beneficial factors to achieve happiness. If almost a third of our residential area is covered by trees, this can mean an improvement in our emotions, breathing less pollution, having a more regulated climate and, most importantly, fosters ties between neighbors. On the other hand, it is perfect for going outside more and exercising more.

3. Have, at most, a park or forest within 300 meters

To achieve happiness, the researcher says that we must have, at most, a park, forest or garden within 300 meters of our house. This is equivalent to about 5-10 minutes from our home. These green spaces are essential for a healthy daily life and where the little ones can play. Cecil pays special attention to Spanish cities, where there are already urban centers that follow this rule.

What do I have to do to be happy?

There are other methods related to nature to achieve happiness.


To achieve happiness thanks to being in contact with trees and other elements of natureyou can do these 3 techniques:

  1. To meditate: You can go to the nearest forest, sit and relax observing nature. It can serve to reconnect with oneself and contemplate how our environment works.
  2. Take care of nature: If you see that others do nothing to have a greener space, volunteer to take care of the forests and keep them safe.
  3. Enhance a corner of your house: If you have a large terrace or large garden, you can put your own trees. There are thousands of ways to take the initiative and surround ourselves with a more natural area.
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