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This is the sweet fruit that helps lose weight and fights diabetes naturally

In degenerative diseases, habits such as diet are key to controlling the condition (Illustrative Image Infobae)

The diabetes It is one of the diseases that causes the most deaths worldwide, those who suffer from it carry it with them for the rest of their days because there is no cure and it changes their lives by having to adapt to new habits to treat it.

Among the first items to change is feedingsince it is the main way to control the blood sugar levels and avoid complications due to the disease.

Many people who suffer from this degenerative disease do not know what foods they can eat and which they should avoid, especially when it comes to sweet products, since through food you can prevent and fight diabetes.

Among the fruits – which are usually high in sugar – that diabetics are allowed to consume, there is one that is characterized by its sweet flavor and aroma, as well as slightly acidic, which helps fight the disease naturally: Blackberryalso known as blackberry.

Green at birth, red at growth and black at maturity, the blackberry is a fleshy fruit made up of numerous crowded spherical fruits, whose scientific name is rubus ulmifolius either rubus fructicosa.

The blackberry is consumed fresh as a dessert, but also in juices, pulps, extracts, yogurt, ice cream, jellies and teas. It is often used to make liqueurs, as well as for baking.

The consumption of this sweet food can bring a series of health benefits, according to information from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain, as well as the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development of Mexico. Here we list some of them.

The blackberry has a number of properties. (Archive)

The blackberry has a long list of nutrients where do their come from medicinal propertiesone of them is a substance called pterostilbenevery similar to resveratrol.

This substance, which is also present in grapes, helps regulate blood glucosewhich helps in the treatment of type II diabetes, also achieves reduce the cholesterol.

The blackberry also stands out for being an important source of fiber, which helps improve intestinal transit and prevent diseases of the type digestive.

Its significant amount of fiber, previously mentioned, as well as its low source of calories, make blackberries an ideal food for those looking for lose weight.

Another of the nutrients of the blackberry is vitamin C, of ​​which it contains even more than several citrus fruits, as well as provitamin A. As for minerals, the presence of calcium, iron and potassium stands out, which contribute to the health of the bones, brain and heart.

The natural pigments of blackberries, such as anthocyanosides and carotenoids. gives you power antioxidantwhich strengthen the immune system and delay aging.

Properties are also attributed to it antidiarrheal, that is, it treats soft, watery and frequent stools; as well as a diuretic, which helps the body eliminate excess fluid and salt.

The blackberry beyond desserts (Sader)

Despite its long list of nutrients and medicinal properties, the blackberry also has a series of contraindications and side effects that must be taken into account.

Some people may experience allergic reactionswhich can include symptoms such as rashes, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing, and anaphylaxis in severe cases.

Consuming large amounts of blackberries can cause discomfort digestiveincluding diarrhea, gas, bloating and abdominal pain.

Blackberries contain antioxidants and other compounds that can interfere with certain medicationsespecially those that affect blood clotting, such as anticoagulants.

Although rare, consuming blackberry supplements in very high doses could lead to toxicity.

People with renal problems They should use caution, as blackberries contain oxalates, which can contribute to kidney stone formation.

Although blackberries are generally safe in normal dietary amounts, women pregnant either infants They should consult a doctor before consuming them, especially in supplements.

Likewise, blackberries may have mild blood-thinning effects, so people taking blood-thinning medications should consult their doctor before consuming them in large quantities or as a supplement.

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