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Bogotá Chamber of Commerce launched PyBA cluster to promote animal welfare

The Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá, CCB, announced the launch of the Animal Protection and Welfare Cluster, PyBA, a project that seeks strengthen the economic sector of goods and services for pets. The launch event was held on Wednesday, June 26 at the Salitre Business Center of the CCB at 8:00 am.

The PyBA Cluster proposes consolidate product and service distribution networks, offer networking spaces, and support technological and digital innovation in companies related to the care of dogs and catsIn addition, the CCB will provide a specialized advisory route for entrepreneurs and foundations working in this sectr.

With more than 2,000 companies in Bogotá dedicated to food, veterinary products and services, and 32,000 more related to other clusters, the project aims to open new business opportunities. “Sectors like fashion, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, tourism, recreation and logistics can find new synergies and markets through the PyBA Cluster,” said the CCB.

Since June 26ththe 10 headquarters of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce will have the PyBA Zone, a space dedicated to the protection and well-being of pets.

For his part, Ovidio Claros Polancopresident of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, highlighted: “the work of the CCB has strengthened the popular economy and the promotion of commercial activities related to pet animals“. The proposal hopes to continue to have the support of the National, District and Regional Government, as well as other actors in the public and private sector.

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