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The Medicine degree in Jujuy would be enabled by mid-2025

June 27, 2024 – 18:18 By Claudio Serra

From the Agency for the Implementation of the Medical career from the province of Jujuy, announced that the race with the opening of the dictation, would be Probably in the middle of next year 2025 if the negotiations with national organizations are successful..

He Executive Secretary Antonio Buljubasichannounced that the processes for the future race continue after the meeting held between the Governor Carlos Sadir and authorities of the National University of Jujuy (UNJu).

The meeting analyzed the progress of the arrangements for the classes that would be held in Libertadorwith a dialogue focused on the conditions and times of CONEAU (National Commission for Evaluation and University Accreditation).

The medical career declared of public interest

“The project is being evaluated and now we depend on CONEAU’s timelines”Buljubasich said. “We think that between 60 or 90 days we will receive the first returns, and based on that the project corrections will be made to fulfill the necessary requirements until final approval.”

Antonio Buljubasich.png

Medicine career in Jujuy

“The intention of universities and the government is that in-person classes begin to be taught from August 2024”

He explained that CONEAU asks to comply with conditions that have several axes. “One is academic, curricular, another is infrastructure and the teaching staff”and said that the race has been declared to be of public interest. “These steps are very important, where spaces, capacity, security, laboratories and so on have to be all detailed, something that has already been presented in full.”

For the road An agreement was signed with the Herminio Arrieta Technical School of Libertador, where classes will be taught. “A future improvement plan was presented for the readjustment of the spaces at the Oscar Orias Hospital.”

He added that it was done because once the construction, transfer and commissioning of the new hospital is completed, the refunctionalization of the old hospital will begin so that it will be the definitive headquarters of the race.

Classes of the medical degree in Jujuy at the Arrieta school (Illustrative photo)

Medical career classes in Jujuy at the Arrieta school (Illustrative photo)

The The University of Tucumán (UNT) designated a headquarters through UNJu in Libertador until the teaching staff is in a position to assume leadership. Buljubasich announced that the medical career will have previous courses and an entrance exam until the final quota of applicants is defined.

“The Government of the province assumed, before CONEAU, the responsibility of financing the necessary resources, infrastructure and teaching staff. which involves the race until the Nation’s project is approved. We are working and it is the Governor’s wish that by mid-2025 the race will already be enabled for its delivery,” he concluded.

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