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Unlike other careers, 90% of medical students graduate in Salta

In communication with Aries, the coordinator of the UNSa Medicine Course, Dr. Enrique Heredia shared his joy for the new professionals in medical sciences who graduated in Salta, which will reinforce care in the interior.

In this regard, he highlighted that of the new 12 professionals, 10 are women, “two of them being mothers,” he expressed. “A good joy for Salta, because we also have people who graduated for the deep interior like Metán and Joaquín V. González. This sets the tone for achieving access for populations that are left without doctors,” said Heredia.

The coordinator of the course reported that since the implementation of the course in Salta, through the agreement with the University of Tucumán, the Salta society contributed 32 doctors. “A very good number,” he noted.

In this regard, he highlighted the quota limit that is applied and reduces desertion to a minimum.

“What is invested is consistent, because dropout is very low, it does not reach 7%, which in other careers is greater than 70%, in medicine it is the other way around: 90% finish it. Maybe not in the theoretical time, but they finish and can give society the best doctors,” he added.

However, Heredia acknowledged that not all of it is good news. The lack of the Nation’s budget affects, and although not recent, the educational and professional quality, it does overload teachers who must teach several classes in parallel.

“Other universities started without any kind of sponsorship and had sufficient funding, but we still do not have a guarantee of the final practice. The staff is made up of 143 teachers and we need at least 180. We are missing 37, depending on how the workloads are accommodated,” he concluded.

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