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The recommended exercise to strengthen the abs, back and glutes

Physical activity is necessary and recommended to stay healthy.

When it comes to physical activity, there are different goals to achieve. Some choose to do it to keep their muscles strong enough to avoid injuries, others to combat stress, and others choose to increase muscle mass for aesthetic reasons.

The 6-12-25 method to gain muscle mass in the lower body with only three exercises

An experienced fitness trainer recommended a particular exercise that offers a triple benefit. Due to its demanding nature, this activity allows you to train and increase the muscle mass of your back, abs and also your glutes.

Exercise for the abdomen, back and buttocks

The term “core” began to be used a few years ago to refer to the part of the body comprised of the abdominals, lumbar, pelvis and glutes. To train the core, it is recommended to choose exercises that benefit all the muscles that make up this area.

That’s why trainer David Marchante recommends an exercise called bird dog (or bird dog, by its original name). “This is a core strengthening exercise that focuses on the back, glutes and abdominal muscles, particularly the obliques through cross chains,” explains Marchante.

Step by step to make the bird dog

1. The first step is to get into a position on all fours and extend one arm straight forward while simultaneously extending the opposite leg backwards. The point is to try to get long, moving your elevated hand and foot away from each other.

2. Maintain balance and stability throughout the exercise with both limbs parallel to the ground. The abdomen must be contracted to prevent swinging, lateral movements and the limbs from falling.

3. Maintain this position for a few seconds, making sure to maintain proper alignment and feel the contraction in the abdomen, lower back muscles and glutes.

4. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other arm and leg.

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