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Why ask for a medical exam before recruiting talent for your SME?

Regardless of whether your business operates in a ‘home office’ or has a low work risk, it is necessary to know the health status of your potential collaborators.

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Why ask for a medical exam before recruiting talent for your SME?

If there is one thing that stands out about micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, it is their contribution as job generators. In the first quarter of 2024 alone, they were responsible for the employment of more than 38 million people in the non-agricultural sector of our country; therefore, it is relevant that they consider including a medical examination in the selection process of their future collaborators.

This prior checkup is one of the Recommendations to Implement Health Actions at Work, in the NOM-030-STPS-2009 Although the battery of tests varies depending on the industry and vacancy, there are some essential tests to rule out conditions that prevent satisfactory performance of activities.

According to Maria Guadalupe Ayala, regional manager of Business Care at Chopo Medical LaboratoryThese are blood count, general urine test, six-element blood chemistry (uric acid, cholesterol, creatinine, glucose, triglycerides and urea), as well as chest and lumbar spine x-ray; and are rounded off with a general medical check-up.

Certain sectors (such as the automotive industry) and positions (for example, in production plants) also require medium or highly specialized studies. There it is possible to add a resting and/or dynamic electrocardiogram, ophthalmological and hearing tests, and spirometry, to contribute to the diagnosis of pulmonary disorders.

Committed to health

After the COVID-19 pandemic, companies became more interested in the health of their human capital, “as it is the basis for their growth, success and productivity. In our experience, diabetes and hypertension are the most detected in the admission phase.”

In the case of high blood pressure (HTN), points out Dr. Alejandro Estanes, head of the Chopo Checkup Department, this assessment becomes the door to its detection because three out of every five people in the country do not know that they suffer from it. according to National Health and Nutrition Survey 2022.

“The impact of HTA is such that last year it was added to the Table of Occupational Diseases in the Federal Labor Law. If not diagnosed and controlled in time, it causes complications such as heart failure, eye and kidney problems. It can also impact the ability to think, remember and learn, which triggers poor work performance,” he warns.

In this sense, Ayala Vargas invites that checkups not be limited to the entry stage, but that SMEs schedule periodic reviews to care for and monitor the health of their most valuable asset: their staff. In return, these pillars of the national economy will notice a decrease in absenteeism and staff turnover, which is key to their growth aspirations.

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