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Contribution of Personalized Precision Medicine to the sustainability and efficiency of the health system

How to achieve a sustainable and efficient healthcare system? What impact does Personalized Precision Medicine have? These and other issues have been addressed in the recently published report The Value of Personalized Precision Medicine in the Sustainability and Efficiency of the Health System, which I have had the honor of coordinating.

The sustainability and efficiency of the health system They are essential to ensure equitable access to health care, improve public health and optimize the use of available resources. In an environment in which resources are limited, and pharmaceutical spending and healthcare demand continually increase, it is key to focus on the optimization and personalization of the clinical approach.

Enrique de Álava, head of the Pathological Anatomy Service at the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, coordinator of the Andalusian Plan for Personalized Precision Medicine and coordinator of the report ‘The value of Personalized Precision Medicine in the sustainability and efficiency of the healthcare system’ promoted by the Roche Institute Foundation.

Personalized Precision Medicine is a paradigm shift in patient care by allowing a preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and personalized follow-up and monitoring approach that is more effective and safer for each patient, but also contributes to optimizing care processes and health management. The incorporation of Personalized Precision Medicine in clinical practice undoubtedly represents an opportunity to significantly improve the health outcomes of patients, but also to contribute to the sustainability and efficiency of the health system, becoming one of the main elements for its transformation.

Personalized and Precision Medicine (PPM) contributes significantly to the sustainability and efficiency of the healthcare system in various areas. On the one hand, through research, the MPP optimizes resources by focusing efforts on specific and effective therapies, which reduces spending on non-specific and ineffective treatments. Promotes directed innovationfacilitating the identification of biomarkers and the development of new therapies, which accelerates the application of scientific discoveries to clinical practice. In addition, it encourages collaboration between institutions and the use of shared databases, optimizing the use of resources and avoiding duplication of efforts.

As for the precision screening and diagnosisMPP enables early detection of diseases through the use of biomarkers and advanced diagnostic techniques, improving clinical outcomes and reducing the costs of advanced treatments. It facilitates more precise and personalized diagnoses, adapted to the genetic and molecular characteristics of each patient, increasing the effectiveness of treatments and reducing the risk of side effects. There is no precision therapy without precision diagnosis. In addition, it improves the efficiency of screening programs by identifying high-risk individuals more accurately, optimizing the use of resources and reducing unnecessary interventions.

Regarding health care and management, the MPP offers More effective treatments based on the patient’s genetic profile, increasing the effectiveness of treatment, reducing hospitalization time and reducing readmissions. Improves resource allocation by identifying and prioritizing interventions that offer the greatest clinical benefit to patients, optimizing the use of the healthcare budget. Increases patient satisfaction through more effective and personalized treatments, improving their quality of life and adherence to treatment. Through the prevention and effective treatment of diseases, MPP contributes to long-term cost reduction, reducing the economic burden on the healthcare system. In summary, MPP improves the sustainability and efficiency of the health system by optimizing research, precision in diagnosis, and improving health care and management.

To demonstrate the benefit of Personalized Precision Medicine, it is crucial rethinking the assessment of health technologies and further developing the tools that allow their impact on health to be measured in order to determine the long-term benefit they provide. In addition, evaluation must be continuous and adaptive, incorporating technological and scientific advances and ensuring that innovations translate into tangible improvements for patients, professionals and the system. Close collaboration between regulators, payers, the various health systems, professionals and patients is also essential to ensure proper evaluation and effective adoption of these technologies.

The implementation of Personalized Precision Medicine faces a number of challenges that must be addressed to achieve a sustainable and efficient healthcare system. The full integration of Personalized Precision Medicine requires an initial investment in human and technological resourcesas well as in the ongoing training of healthcare professionals and the incorporation of new professional profiles. It is vital to develop a digital infrastructure that allows the collection, analysis and sharing of large volumes of data, establishing clear standards to guarantee the quality and reliability of this data, as well as the protection of patient privacy. In addition, regulation must evolve to adapt to scientific and technological advances. On the other hand, promoting strategic alliances between the public and private sectors can accelerate innovation and improve the accessibility and quality of health services.

To promote coordinating and organizing all activities related to Personalized Precision Medicine at the national level it would be It is necessary to create a National Commission for Personalized Precision Medicine, as well as reaching a health pact on what the health system must be like to which we have to evolve and how these new technologies are going to be incorporated into a care model in which the needs of patients are very well integrated. An example of this is the recent publication, by the Ministry of Health, of a first proposal for a common catalog of genetic tests for the identification of biomarkers associated with a specific treatment included in the Basic Portfolio of Services.

Personalized Precision Medicine represents a Promising progress towards the sustainability and efficiency of the healthcare systemIts patient-centred approach, resource optimisation, disease prevention and precision diagnosis can generate long-term benefits for both individuals and the system as a whole.

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