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“When artificial intelligence enters aesthetic medicine, there will be a turning point”

Their way of working as a team stands out in their sector, that of aesthetic medicine, which is constantly growing. Gemma Stain is the CEO of Merz Aesthetics for four years and has just been named Head of Digital Innovation Hub for EMEA Region. She controls teams, market and product like no one else and for her, a good boss is one who knows that, on her team, everyone is equally important.

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She is empathetic and recognizes that, to be an effective leader, one must, above all, be a good person. “That is enough, because A good person has many qualities, they are compassionate, they know how to communicate, they care. and has a genuine interest in ensuring that its ecosystem functions well,” he explains.

Gema’s way of working has not changed since she was given her first position of responsibility, more than 20 years ago. “I have always been very clear about how things should be done, including having a lot of closeness or thinking that, in a team, there is no one more important than another. A type of leadership that is more common now and that perhaps, at that time, I didn’t know how to name it, but I have always been a little different.”

The new leadership

“And that part of me, which was a bit more disruptive before, is now in fashion. I have had bosses who have scolded me for taking my secretary to an event, but how could I not be there if she is the person thanks to whom I am alive. They were not understanding the function of people: The important thing is not what the position is, but what is your contribution so that everything works well.”

There are leaders who, like her, have a sixth sense and know how to see the talent in each person.Not for me, but I am a little special because I have always been very clear about how things should be done. I have always had intuition for knowing how to get the best out of each one; “It doesn’t matter the charge or what it says on your card, what matters is your contribution to the company.”

There are also difficult moments. “Maintaining closeness and, at the same time, being able to have a serious conversation in an office is one of the most difficult things. Not everyone is prepared for that. Normally, a boss keeps his distance, but I think he does it to cover a deficiency. Because you have to encourage fun at work, that makes you more efficient because it gives you the feeling that you are not working and creates a special bond with the company. People want to go to the place where they feel comfortable, have a good time and have the opportunity to grow. It is not enough to hang a list of values ​​on a wall, they must be fulfilled “really,” he says.

Aesthetic medicine, on the rise

A different and interesting profile, which has much to contribute not only in terms of leadership, but also in the sector that it dominates perfectly, that of aesthetic medicine. There is a reason she is the CEO of one of the most important companies, Merz Aesthetics.

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When we ask him if he has changed much in recent years, he is clear. “It is a sector that moves very quickly. People have lost their fear and shame, it is no longer embarrassing to say that you have done something. It no longer has any kind of stigma. It has also become something more accessible, you no longer have to have great purchasing power to do something,” he acknowledges.

“When I started in this sector, nine years ago, there was a market study that said that a person started to think about getting something done because suddenly they looked at themselves and said, I’d never noticed that I have this wrinkle or I see that I’m so droopy… whatever. Well, from that moment until something was done, an average of one year passed, according to this study. Now no time passes because people are so informed. who has already looked at everything before and does it in the moment. You already know how, where… getting a touch-up now is like buying a washing machine.

And what are the trends now? According to Gema, “They are intended to harmonize the face, so that it looks like a good whole.. Not only work on wrinkles, but also on the quality of the skin, because there are many studies that show that It is better to have wrinkles with good skin than bad skin without wrinkles. Very holistic results are sought, with products that are icollagen inducers, much more than fillers“It’s more natural because in the end it’s your own collagen and metabolism that’s doing the work and it does it gradually, not all at once,” she explains.

In addition to thinking less about it, we are also more attentive to what is put before us. But even so, the key remains to put ourselves in the hands of good professionals.People are becoming more aware of what they are injectingis interested in knowing exactly what it is, where it comes from… Because in general we put ourselves in the hands of professionals, but unfortunately that does not always happen.”

There is something fundamental that will ensure that, if anything happens, they will know what they have put in you: the label on the vial. “The vial sticker is key and that’s what makes us feel confident about what we wear. So, sticker by sticker, you’re creating a kind of pmedical contribution to know what you’ve worn if you change doctors, for example.

“Although there are very informed people and The latest study in this regard reveals that 15% of patients already ask about a specific brand. And of that 15%, how many doctors put what the patient wants? 67% do. A doctor, even if he doesn’t have the brand, looks for it, because if he doesn’t lose the patient, he will go to another doctor who puts what he wants.”

And the key question, how do you see the future of aesthetic medicine?When the artificial intelligence really enters into aesthetic medicine there will be a turning point. For the moment, at present, less is more. Less filler and more collagen inducers are being used for more holistic results.

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