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What you need to know if you are over 60 and want to exercise: is it better to exercise alone than with someone else?


The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed global recommendations on physical activity for health, with the general objective of providing What are the frequencies, duration, intensity and total amount of physical activity.

A study from the magazine ‘International Journal of Human Computer Interaction‘, wanted to check if exercising as a couple turns out to be more active or not. For it, They obtained data from 240 Singaporean participants who were between 54 and 72 years old.

As the years go by, people worry about their physical appearance every day, so they look for strategies that help them add minutes to their daily training. Scientific research evaluates all kinds of factors, including whether it is better to train in pairs or alone.

Scientific research evaluates all kinds of factors, including whether it is better to train with a partner or aloneShutterstock

The authors of the study determined the following results:

For researchers, it is better for older people to exercise alone and not with a partner, since if they want to change something about their habit, it is easier for them, than telling the other person to do it, which is why they often prefer solitude.

This way, it is easier for each person to focus on changing their own routine and not trying to change someone else’s habits. On some occasions, the couple does not like to train and this causes them to feel a little frustration.

Additionally, the study found that people over 60 who exercised alone completed more steps per day on average than those who did so in pairs.

People over 60 who train alone complete more steps per day on average than those who do it as a couple.Shutterstock

The study also revealed that some couples do not enjoy exercising, But many times they prefer to stay at home watching a movie or series, and this can make people demotivated to do physical activity.

Therefore, it is better for older people to exercise individually and responsibly. It is important to start with a 15-minute walk.

Scott Trappe, director of the Human Performance Laboratory at Ball State University and author of another study, found that men and women in their 70s who exercise regularly have the heart, lung, and muscle fitness of healthy people 30 years older. youths.

We assume that as we get older, we become frail and weak. But just by looking at the muscle of the older athletes compared to the younger ones, we couldn’t tell who was young and who was old,” Trappe said.

Wendys Loraine Pitre Ariza

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