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PAMI confirmed changes in medical care for retirees

PAMI as an organization took the measure of seeking improvement in the services and benefits for the retired affiliates, or so was communicated by Esteban Leguizamón, the new director of the social work for older adults appointed by Javier Milei since taking office. Among the changes and improvements so far, we have seen in programs such as:

  • Free diapers
  • Free glasses
  • Exclusive hospitals
  • Tertiary and university studies
  • Free medicines

One of the main decisions taken by PAMI From December to the present, it was given in the program that is responsible for providing medical attention personalized to the Retirees and pensionersThese are improvements in the service provided by doctors in each specialty.

These are modifications made to the “Freedom to choose“, and although they are not changes that are taking place in June/June, PAMI If you remembered these positive changes with more benefits for retirees, where new services are added such as choosing the general practitioner and each specialty.

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Within these new changes made by PAMIthe program presents benefits such as:

  • Assist you in the office
  • Provides outpatient services
  • Will be responsible for prescribing medications
  • Responsible for managing your clinical history
  • Responsible for recommending diagnostic studies
  • Responsible for referral to specialists or health centers
  • Responsible for the execution of preventive activities

As with the other modifications in programs available PAMIthe objective of this change is an improvement in the services that has for the Retireeswhich the same organization considers to be a historical debt owed to them. Specifically in terms of medical care for the beneficiaries, the objective is clear: have a more direct and personalized relationship with the doctor.

PAMI: step by step to obtain electronic prescriptions

According to what is announced PAMIthe retired must:

  • Ask your family doctor for a electronic order either diagnostic study by imaging or ophthalmology
  • Go to and/or the PAMI application
  • Then, select the specialist (diagnosis imaging center or ophthalmology center)
  • Finally, request the medical shift.
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