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COLMED holds Pride Day 2024 ceremony

In this instance, the Department of Gender and Health launched the Course: “Walking with Pride: LGBTQIA+ Children and Youth Population and Health”, aimed at health professionals.

To the beat of ““Vale Nein”, singer-songwriter from southern Chile, The 4th Pride Day 2024 Commemoration Ceremony ended, organized by the Department of Gender and Health of the Medical College, and attended by the national president, Dr. Anamaría Arriagada; the treasurer, Dr. Carlos Becerra; the Undersecretary of Public Health, Andrea Albagli; the president of the Health Commission of the Lower House, deputy, Dr. Helia Molina; the president(s) of Colmed Santiago, Dr. Gisela Viveros and the vice president(s) Dr. Mauricio Cofré along with various guests who arrived at the new premises of the Guild.

The ceremony was hosted by Ethan Sword (Drag King and trans activist) who highlighted and valued this activity developed at the Medical College. After starting the day, Dr. Arriagada addressed the attendees and pointed out that despite the progress in the rights acquired by LGBTQIA+ people, there is still a long way to go, especially for the health system.

“Today has been an exciting day, very beautiful, of remembrance, of memory, but also of projection in the tasks that lie ahead, in terms of eliminating discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ community and also promoting care spaces that are safe, inclusive and comprehensively managed so that all people can feel welcome, well cared for and safe with us, with the doctors of this country.”

Likewise, the president of COLMED referred to the course that the Guild will carry out regarding this topic. “With this day, what we want to do as a Medical College is to continue committing to gender diversity and especially to trans children in a course that we are promoting and called Walk with Pridein which doctors, general practitioners, primary care doctors, will basically be given tools so that we can educate ourselves in this matter, provide much more relevant care, truly inclusive care for trans children. and to be able to accompany them in that process.”

For her part, the president of the Department of Gender and Health, Dr. Daniela Díaz, presented a video ofthe launch of the Course: “Walking with Pride: LGBTQIA+ Child and Youth Population and health”. “I think this course is something super new, there are not many similar courses, less to do with the training of professionals in this topic, which is a topic about which so little is known, and being able to accompany the , children and adolescents in their health care and, as we said previously, to be able to walk with pride in who they are,” concluded Dr. Díaz.

It is worth mentioning that the ceremony was also attended by Undersecretary Albagli, Dr. Molina and the technical secretary of the Department, Dr. Karla Valenzuela; in addition, a short story by the author “Caro Mouat” was read, ending the day with the participation of this year’s guest artist, “Okay Nein.”

-Check out the images of the activity and the video of the Course “Walking with Pride: LGBTQIA+ Youth Population and Health”:

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