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Heartbreaking story from a Colombian doctor who worked in the Gaza Strip

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) ands a humanitarian organization that since 1971 has worked with medical personnel of all nationalities in the midst of natural disasters or wars. Regardless of ethnicity, geographic origin, religion or political tendency, they care for life.

TheGuerrero, a doctor from the National University and linked to MSF for a year, was on Mañanas Blu, with Camila Zuluaga, and spoke about his work in the Gaza Strip, a region where the civilian population suffers the consequences of armed conflict and is vulnerable to various diseases and traumas.

Guerrero, 32, shared his heartbreaking experience in the Gaza Strip, and assured that working in the midst of such a complex situation is emotionally challenging, Witnessing people’s suffering is a task that requires strong psychological and medical support to fully recover after a mission.

It is another level of emergencies. It is another level of attention. There are no words with which I can explain, there are no words with which I could prepare myself before or to imagine what I was going to see. The suffering of people is incredible. It’s difficult even for us. For me, as a doctor, it has been difficult. We are under psychological and medical follow-up and support to ensure that we fully recover.

Guerrero said.

The doctor also spoke about the logistical difficulties and restrictions they face in order to provide medical care in the midst of the conflict. In addition, He said that people in the Gaza Strip are lacking clothing and footwear, as many have not been able to change them for months. Although some organizations are providing food, it is crucial to complement this aid with clothing supplies.

“We are working to the limit. We don’t have resources. In recent weeks, healings that were done every two or three days had to be carried out every four or six days to try to save resources. “If we continue at this rate, Doctors Without Borders will be forced to close its services within days or weeks, and that is something we do not want,” he said.

One of his companions died

Guerrero also spoke about the death of an MSF colleague, who He died due to an attack by Israeli forces while on his way to his clinic.

“The death of our colleague is very sensitive. The indication we receive from Jerusalem is to wait for investigations into the events that occurreds. What we know so far is what all the media know. He is a colleague who had been working with MSF in Palestine since 2018 and died from an attack.and Israeli forces on the way to his Doctors Without Borders clinic,” Guerrero said.

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