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A longevity expert reveals the foods that accelerate aging and that we should avoid: “They are associated with cardiovascular diseases”

An elderly couple (Shutterstock)

Thanks to advances in medicine, nutrition and other conditions of our lifestyle, our longevity has increased at exponential levels. In fact, Spain is the country with the highest life expectancy in the entire European Union: Spaniards live an average of 84 years, followed by Italy (83.8 years) and Malta (83.6 years). This has led to changes in the demographic structure and socioeconomic challenges, such as the ageing of the population and the sustainability of health and pension systems.

With this problem of an increasingly aging population, it is not only important to live to 100 years, but to reach them in good health. Thus, it is not only about living many years, but reaching them with optimal physical and emotional health, which is known as useful life expectancy. The question that arises is to what extent is it in our power to achieve this.

He Dr. Ivan Ibañez is an expert in longevitymedicine antiaging and metabolic, as well as director of the Longevity Clinic in Girona and member of the Spanish Society of Anti-Aging and Longevity Medicine (SEMAL). In an interview with Infobae Spainthe specialist has explained what our life expectancy is and what we can do to extend it, especially from the point of view of our daily diet.

As the expert explains, “diet plays a crucial role in the healthy aging. Diets rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats may reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer. Antioxidants present in many plant foods fight oxidative damage in cells, which may slow the aging process.”

“In addition, a balance diet “It helps maintain a healthy weight, reduce inflammation and improve the function of the immune system. The goal, apart from having a deficient diet, is to inhibit insulin spikes. Therefore, I always recommend eating protein first and then carbohydrates or fruit, vegetables, salad… If we eat a piece of fruit mid-morning or mid-afternoon, it would be ideal to eat a handful of nuts beforehand to prevent the spike in blood sugar,” explains Dr. Ibáñez.

The truth is that there are a series of foods that we must avoid if we do not want our rate of aging to accelerate. Therefore, consuming them in moderation can help us increase our life expectancy. The longevity expert clarifies that “the refined sugars and processed products can cause inflammation and cell damage; trans fats present in many processed foods and fried are associated with cardiovascular diseases; processed meat, such as sausages and baconcontain high levels of preservatives and unhealthy fats.”

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In addition to these foods, Dr. Ibáñez focuses on the importance of avoiding or reducing the intake of alcoholic beverages. “The alcohol Excessive amounts can damage the liver and other organs, as well as contribute to dehydration and premature aging of the skin,” he concludes.

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