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Onconecta, a new information tool for patients, is presented

On the second day of the ‘First Ibero-American Meeting on Breast Cancer’ (Eiboma), which is taking place at the Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo Cancer Treatment and Research Centre (CTIC), 42 experts from various countries met with the intention of sharing their knowledge on the latest and most innovative oncological advances.

Dr. Sandra Franco, Clinical Director of the CTIC and member of the Center’s scientific committee, told EL TIEMPO that she and her team They met with several leaders from Spain and Latin America to design an event where they could discuss in Spanish the latest scientific advances in relation to the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of breast cancer.

Photo:Nestor Gomez

“Our idea is that this is an event that happens once a year, in different countries in Latin America. We have more than 350 people registered and more than 120 attendees from abroad. These participants are leaders in their own countries in breast cancer treatment “he explained.

The relevance of the symposium lies in the fact that the incidence rates of breast cancer have increased considerably worldwide and in Colombia.

“We are a little concerned that this increase is slightly higher in women under fifty. This, of course, has to do with changes in lifestyle, with decisions that patients make today, such as the decrease in birth rates, among others,” says Franco.

Onconecta, a new free tool for anyone interested in obtaining information

Consequently, during the event, large innovative projects were presented such as Onecta, an innovative digital platform designed to provide scientific, personalized, accurate and up-to-date information on breast cancer.

“Our main objective is to cover the information needs of each patient according to their profile, empowering them to assume an active and responsible role in making decisions about their treatment,” EL TIEMPO told Cynthia Villarreal, director of Oncology at the TecSalud Breast Cancer Center and one of the creators of this initiative.

Onecta is a free tool, aimed at patients, caregivers and anyone interested in obtaining reliable and scientifically proven information about breast cancer.

The platform is at the service of all Spanish-speaking people seeking guidance on this disease, and has the following characteristics:

  1. Personalization: We offer information adapted to the personal characteristics of each user, the type of breast cancer and the time of the disease trajectory.
  2. Update and Accuracy: The content is developed and updated by experts in medicine, oncology, psycho-oncology and public health, ensuring that it is based on scientific studies and meets the highest quality requirements.
  3. Accessibility and Convenience: All content is available through our digital platform and social networks, allowing easy and convenient access.
  4. Collaboration and Community: We differentiate ourselves by our ability to collaborate with diverse organizations and distribute high-quality content.

Photo:Photo: Mauricio Moreno. TIME.

Through OnConnect, users can access a single, centralized platform that provides them with the tools and knowledge necessary to face breast cancer with confidence and preparation.

“To enrich our content and offer valuable and relevant information from experts, we plan to take advantage of the Eiboma meeting, The first event in an annual series that seeks to promote an integrative vision of oncology in Latin America, Spain and Portugal and encourage the strengthening of links between multidisciplinary teams from different countries and international cooperative groups,” the expert explained.

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