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declared three specialists from the San Martín de La Plata hospital

Penoscopy is a test performed to detect subclinical lesions caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) that are not visible under normal conditions and that stain white (acetowhite) when acetic acid is applied. Acetic acid staining of the penis is performed as a first filter to avoid performing more annoying and expensive tests.

“The study is done with gloves and a mask, although there are professionals who do not wear a mask, it is a personal decision,” said Gorostiague, who was clear when stating that “a patient is never masturbated in a urological practice.”

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Helena De La Cruz, La Plata trial prosecutor.

Photo: AGLP

“I have been treating thirty patients a day for thirty years, and erections or ejaculations have never been necessary,” said the professional, but emphasized that “if a patient feels that he is being masturbated or that oral sex is being performed on him, it is a matter of perception or sensation on his part.”

The other two doctors from the urology department at San Martín Hospital also confirmed that masturbation cannot be confused with a clinical practice, understanding masturbation as a repeated and sustained movement of the penis over time.

From the beginning of the investigation, the defense has maintained that there was no sexual abuse, but rather that it involved new scientific techniques in urology that very few doctors in the country were familiar with. In addition, they support this theory with four medical books in which, according to that party, all the medical practices that are the subject of controversy with the prosecution are detailed.

Protagonists of the trial in La Plata

The accusatory block is made up of the prosecutor Helena De La Cruz and the lawyer Andrea Mattessich representing one of the alleged victims who at the time of the events was a 15-year-old teenager who went to a medical consultation to initiate himself sexually and came away horrified: “He jerked me off“the boy said to his mother.

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Gabriel Mendy and José Luis Villada, defense attorneys for physician Pablo Colaci.

Photo: AGLP

The defense, carried out by lawyers Gabriel Mendy and Jose Luis Villada, point out that Colaci is an outstanding medical professional, awarded for his contributions to medicine in cancer prevention. In relation to the lack of “repentance” highlighted by the psychiatrist experts in yesterday’s hearing, they pointed out that he cannot regret something he did not do.

The technical and legal direction of the debate is the responsibility of the judge. Silvia Hoerr of the Second Criminal Court of La Plata by the secretary of Julio Banfi.

The trial is being conducted through the citizen jury trial mechanism requested by the accused, who is being held in the penal unit located in the town of Florencio Varela.

What’s coming

As stipulated, it is expected that by this Friday all potential complainants who are victims of sexual abuse will finish declaring.

Next week the witnesses proposed by the defense will begin to be heard, including doctors, experts and patients (both men and women) of the accused, who faces charges with an expected sentence of up to 50 years in prison.

For the defense, patients are not capable of “distinguishing masturbation from clinical practices that were never even close to satisfying a sexual desire, as Colaci is accused of.”

The case also includes statements from doctors who supported the accused’s version, who also assured that they never received complaints about Colaci’s conduct.

Prize behind bars

In April 2021, while Colaci was under house arrest, his work on the recurrence of kidney tumors, which he carried out together with a scientific team, gave him the most important recognition of medicine in the country“I have been studying this for 17 years. Since I was little and my mother suffered cancer three times and survived thanks to acting early, I tried to apply that to my profession. I always said: ‘I have to find something that allows me to prevent cancer,'” Colaci said in a conversation with Clarion.

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Pablo Colaci received the highest distinction in medicine in the country.

Colaci received the “National Academy of Medicine Award”the most important medical award in Argentina for the research he developed together with four urologists from the Evita Pueblo Hospital in Berazategui and two researchers from the Histology Department of the National University of La Plata (UNLP).

Every year, the National Academy of Medicine selects the best original and unpublished work carried out in the Argentine Republic on medical-scientific topics. The awarded research refers to a New way to prevent kidney cancer recurrence in which Colaci’s team designed a mechanism to prevent the tumor from recurring.

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