Tini Stoessel intimate with Gabriel Rolón: “I found myself in dark places, I didn’t know who to turn to”

Tini Stoessel intimate with Gabriel Rolón: “I found myself in dark places, I didn’t know who to turn to”
Tini Stoessel intimate with Gabriel Rolón: “I found myself in dark places, I didn’t know who to turn to”

The singer spoke openly with the psychologist about the experiences that inspired her album (Video: Flow)

After smashing five shows at the Hurlingham Clubwhere he performed his new album live for the first time A Lock of Hair, Tini Stoessel He told what the last years of his career were like in an interview through the platform flow. With an open heart, the composer sat on the couch of the psychologist, psychoanalyst and writer Gabriel Rolón and revealed, among other things, how he dealt with his mental health and anxiety at the worst time of his life. He also referred to the criticism he receives for his body and, especially, to the hospitalization of his father, Alejandrofor which he had to fight for his life.

“Thank you for letting me have this talk with you. Do you know what I felt when reading the lyrics of your songs? There is so much of you put into each of those verses and those stanzas… Does this album have any of this?”, the therapist wanted to know. “This disc It has all the emotions of what a duel would be like.. That’s why we chose to start telling this story with the great shock of what happened to my dad. I thought I lost it because they told us. They told us that there was no possibility of him continuing,” he said at the beginning of the interview.

Along the same lines, the artist commented that this situation, added to others, led her to “some transformation.” “What happened to my dad was the last straw that broke a glass full of water. I found myself in dark places, I didn’t know what to name itI didn’t know who to turn to, I didn’t know whether to tell it or not. I was ashamed. The heartbreak was very quick, so to speak, from feeling my dad die, to having to be on stage smiling,” he continued.

In another part of the interview, the artist pointed out that she was not familiar with what caring for your mental health and the emotions you were feeling at that moment, as well as depression, anxiety and panic attacks. “I found that One day I couldn’t get out of bed. But it’s not because I didn’t have physical strength, but my soul told me: ‘You can’t take it anymore.‘. And there I got into a place of sensations and feelings that I thought I would not be able to overcome, that I would stay forever in that dark place. That’s why I started the very personal album,” she said.

Face to face, the 27-year-old performer opened up about the most difficult moments of her life and how she captured them in her new album (Flow).

According to Tini, at that moment, he did not know how to manage his emotions: “What my head was telling me, what I had believed, was: ‘You went to a bilingual school. You never lacked a plate of food. How can you be bad? How are you going to afford it?’. And, of course, social networks appear when it starts with Violetta and, in the head of any teenager, I suppose, the great responsibility that project was, the positive and negative comments, I don’t know why human beings tend to stay tied… I thought again.”.

And she blamed herself: “How can I reverse this? To remove labels that I didn’t put on myself, that I thought were from someone who doesn’t know me, who isn’t in my house, who doesn’t know what happened. Why was I so unfair to myself? In one of the songs I say: ‘Forgive you’, it was a long time, the bottom I hit… I allowed all that to come in. It was difficult for me to be friends with myself, to allow myself to be unwell, to pick up the phone and say: ‘I can’t do this, this is suspended because I’m not well.’”.

The singer-songwriter brought out her most sensitive side in her conversation with Gabriel Rolón (Flow)

In that line, the singer-songwriter mentioned her song “Post”, where he talks about the comments he has received since the beginning of his career. According to her story, what affected her most was the criticism directed at his physical appearance, so she did not hesitate to make it clear in the video clip.

I felt depersonalizedI felt that things were happening inside, in my house, in my room, and outside. I had to support myself the way I could, with the tools I had“, confessed the performer while looking into the eyes of Gabriel, who was analyzing the latest songs he composed for his album.

“In that song (Posta) I repeat phrases that I read and believed. I start by saying: ‘I let my hair down against the wind to cover my shadow, there is no such thing as what is not named.‘. I had not given it entity until I put my words to it, in this song I am in denial, depersonalized. That’s why there is that “Tini with long hair, depersonalized…” she explained and then made a surprising revelation about how she dealt with criticism of her body in her worst moments.

“With the crudeness and evil with which we talk about the body, the face, the voice of others, when the subject should be approached from another place. I felt that covering myself up was the solution, I started dressing big, putting on gloves, getting fat in photos.. I had already normalized it. And then I realized how much it affected me. Am I going to spend my entire life waiting for everyone’s acceptance? I’m going to end up unhappy all my life. In that process I said: ‘It’s no longer enough for me to talk about it with my friends and my family, with my psychologist and my psychiatrist, I need to get it out there,’” he concluded.

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