Accademia Bizantina presents its new album, ‘Imprinting’

Byzantine Academy

The ensemble, directed by Ottavio Dantone, proposes in this album a new interpretive approach to famous classical and romantic symphonies.

The orchestra Byzantine Academy presents his new album, ‘Imprinting’published by his own label HDB Sonus and dedicated to symphonic repertoire of the classical and romantic periods.

The group led by Ottavio Dantone offers with this project a new interpretive approach—translated into English as imprinting— from well-known symphonies of Mendelssohn, Schumann, Beethoven, Schubert, Mozart and Haydn. The objective is to free these works from the stratifications accumulated by the various interpretations that have occurred over time.

The first album of this proposal

Accademia Bizantina has already recorded the first album of this new project, which is available on all streaming platforms and includes the Symphony no. 3 in E flat major, ‘Rhineland’, opus 97 by Schumann, and the Symphony no. 4 in A major‘Italiana’, opus 90 by Mendelssohn.

In Dantone’s words, these symphonies share the Bach influencefor their themes and their use of counterpoint, but they are also great representatives of the romantic spirit.

The recording of ‘Imprinting’ was made with period instrumentsfollowing the idea that ‘the philological notions and interpretive praxis of early music can help the identification and understanding of intentions and stylistic resources inherited from the culture and thought of the past’.

40 years of the Byzantine Academy

‘Imprinting’ joins the celebration of 40th anniversary of the orchestrawhich will hold a special concert at the Goldoni Theater in Bagnacavallo entitled ‘AB ieri, oggi e domani’.

In addition, the group will perform this summer Il Trionfo della Fame of Conti and Cesare in Egypt by Giacomelli, like resident orchestra of the Innsbruck Festival.

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