Jessica Newton responds to criticism for the use of advertising and coverage of Miss Peru 2024: “They have to understand”

Jessica Newton responds to criticism for the use of advertising and coverage of Miss Peru 2024: “They have to understand”
Jessica Newton responds to criticism for the use of advertising and coverage of Miss Peru 2024: “They have to understand”

Jessica Newton defends coverage of Miss Peru. | Willax

Jessica Newton did not remain silent and faced criticism regarding the use of commercials during the broadcast of Miss Peru 2024. The organizer of the pageant, in a recent interview, argued that dependence on sponsors is inevitable for holding events of this magnitude and even compared with other coverages.

The coronation night of Miss Peru 2024 has been the subject of both positive and negative comments. The model’s victory Tatiana Calmell It was cause for celebration; However, how it was carried out was the point of questioning on social networks due to the amount of advertising inserted in the transmission.

Users of platforms like X did not take long to express their discontent with sarcastic messages and memes that went viral last Sunday, June 9. “If they had Marco Antonio from Teleferia thanking the brands it would have been a little more entertaining,” wrote one Internet user.

Strong message from Jessica Newton in response to questions about advertising in Miss Peru 2024. | Composition/Infobae

Given this, Cassandra Sánchez’s mother decided to openly defend the decisions surrounding the contest. “People have to understand “We have sponsors, I wish all the programs throughout the country had them,” he declared. Newton in an interview with Trome.

About, Jessica highlighted the importance of sponsors for large-scale events, stating that their support is crucial not only for the Miss Peru but for any program that seeks to achieve high production standards.

Users angry about commercials and consider them excessive. | Capture/X

According to her, the collaboration of the brands not only made the ceremony possible, but also ensured an open broadcast for the audience.

Despite the criticism, the businesswoman highlighted the positive aspects of the night, being filled with pride at the praise that the organization of the event received.

“It was a long-awaited night, we have been a trend among missologists around the world and the comments I have received have been very nice,” said Jessica Newton.

Users made memes about the use of advertising in Miss Peru 2024. | Capture/X

On the other hand, some users on social networks accused of favoritism for the election of Tatiana Calmell as Miss Peru 2024. Newton dismissed these speculations: “I have not even approached the jury, That (comments) is something I’m not going to waste my time on, I’m seasoned, no matter who wins. The girls have done a magnificent job and I think Tatiana is a fair winner,” she said.

At Willax, she was also consulted on these issues and she only managed to say that “No one can like everyone”. In this way, the organizer showed a positive attitude in the face of negative comments, focusing on the achievements and positive acceptance that the event also received.

Jessica Newton defends coverage of Miss Peru. | Willax

On the other hand, Jessica Newton responded to Magaly Medina’s comments about Miss Peru 2024, an event that took place on June 9 at Plaza Grau in Callao. The businesswoman defended both the contest and its results.

During its show program, the popular ‘Urraca’ criticized the event, calling it “boring” and stating that the candidates were “poor fools” for competing, since, according to her, Tatiana Calmell was the director’s favorite.

In response to these statements, Newton highlighted the work of the participants and rrejected any arrangement or favoritism in the contest.

Jessica Newton responded clearly and strongly to Magaly Medina for criticizing Miss Peru 2024.

“Well, I hope it has content, that it does well, that it has a good rating, success and more I can’t say. I hope she wishes it for me too (…) “I don’t make a show of my personal life. Why would she go on a television show? “No one who is happy goes around attacking and I’m not going to attack her,” Jessica said in statements to the entertainment program.

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