Prayer for Julián Trujillo in La Casa de los Famosos – Publimetro Colombia

Prayer for Julián Trujillo in La Casa de los Famosos – Publimetro Colombia
Prayer for Julián Trujillo in La Casa de los Famosos – Publimetro Colombia

The actor Julián Trujillo has the title of the participant with the highest vote of ‘The House of the Famous’ Colombia on several occasions and he has known how to win over the program’s viewers with his way of being that is considered that of an exemplary Colombian.

Julián Trujillo is the captain of “the ship” of his Team Galactico in which he has surpassed the elimination quarter six times and has the highest vote recorded so far, which is 57.31%, which occurred in the most recent gala. elimination of ‘La Casa de los Famosos’ Colombia.

Although Julián Trujillo has never stood in front of the cameras to ask to be saved with votes, the public chooses him to continue one more week, so it is likely that he will become one of the members of the final top next June 17.

A few days ago, her campaign manager entered for the grand finale of the competition, and it is Mafe Walker, her inseparable friend for more than a dozen weeks, who came to “activate the codes from love”, under the motto of campaign what is “Love is universal”but from the outside the campaign for Julián Trujillo to be the winner is also in full swing, since already has a song and now even a prayer that has been spread through social networks.

“Prayer for Julián Trujillo:

Lord Jesus, in your Name, and with the power of your Precious Blood, we pray this prayer to ask you for the protection of Julián Trujillo, we seal every person, fact or event through which the enemy wants to harm him.

With the Power of the Blood of Jesus we seal all destructive power in the air, on the earth, in the water, in the fire, under the earth, in the satanic forces of nature, in the abysses of hell, and in the world in which it moves today.

With the Power of the Blood of Jesus we break all interference and action of the Evil One. We ask you to send the Blessed Virgin Mary accompanied by Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Rafael and her entire court of Holy Angels to the place where Julián Trujillo is located.

With the Power of the Blood of Jesus we seal the house, all those who live in it, but especially Julián Trujillo, the people that the Lord will send to it, as well as the food and goods that He generously sends for their sustenance.

With the Power of the Blood of Jesus we seal earth, doors, windows, objects, walls and floors, the air we breathe and in Faith, we place a circle of His Blood around Julián Trujillo.

With the Power of the Blood of Jesus we seal the places where Julián Trujillo will be on this day and the people, companies or institutions with whom he will deal. We thank You Lord for Your Blood and for Your Life, since thanks to Them we have been saved and are preserved from all evil. Amen”.

Voting for ‘The House of the Famous’ Colombia

The positive vote began last Wednesday, June 12, and will continue on Thursday, June 13 and Friday, June 14, which will open during ‘La Preview’ and ‘El After Show’ and will accumulate to choose the first finalist from the top 4 which will be announced that same Friday at the close of the process.

On Saturday, June 15, the voting restarts and will be positive again, then with the voting on Sunday the 16th, the celebrity with the least votes will be the twenty-first eliminated and fifth place from ‘La Casa de los Famosos’ Colombia. Meanwhile, on Monday, June 17, voting will open again for the grand finale and choose who will be the winner of the first season.

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