“They have everyone eating shit…!”: Checho Hirane explodes on screen and shoots against the world left

“They have everyone eating shit…!”: Checho Hirane explodes on screen and shoots against the world left
“They have everyone eating shit…!”: Checho Hirane explodes on screen and shoots against the world left

An incendiary discharge hit Checho Hirane during his time in the program Without filters. The comedian distanced himself from right-wing political parties and He lashed out in fury against the entire left. She had an answer.

In the middle of the discussion about the figure of Manuel José Ossandón, Hirane He wanted to clarify that he was not a saint of his devotion, far from it, and took advantage of separating himself from any political party.

At that moment the announcer began to raise passions and threw his declaration of principles on the table. “I defend a model of society, which is a social market economy. Unlike the left that, with legitimate rights, defends equality, I defend growthbecause I believe that with growth we lift more people out of poverty,” he began by stating.

“I privilege that there are no poor people. You privilege that we are all equal! Like left-wing countries, where everyone is equal… in shit!”, downloaded the face of Radio Agricultura.

“Yes, of course poh! “The ultra-left countries have everyone eating shit!”he ended up shouting.

Socialist senator responded to Checho Hirane

The one who picked up the gauntlet was the senator Fidel Espinozaold militant of the Socialist Party and defender of the legacy of the Concertation. “I can’t let you go. “That is intolerable.”he began warning.

“I just want to remind you, when the Concertación received this country, when we recovered democracy after thousands of deaths and disappearances, There were 44% of Chileans living in extreme poverty. And it was that Concertación that began to pull the country up“said the congressman.

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