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“It’s a low point in our career.” The ruined dream of the creators of ‘The 3 Body Problem’ is the successor series to ‘Game of Thrones’ that HBO canceled through the back door

The series was born surrounded by controversy and then never ended up moving forward.

An earthquake shook HBO when Netflix announced in the summer of 2019 the hiring of David Benioff and Dan Weiss, creators of ‘Game of Thrones’. The first result of that agreement valued at 200 million dollars has been ‘The Three Body Problem’, but that may never have happened if it had not been for the fact that HBO canceled through the back door the next series that Benioff and Weiss were going to do. for the chain.

A series that was born already dead

We now have to go back to the summer of 2017 to find the moment when HBO announced ‘Confederate’, which was going to be Benioff and Weiss’s next series on HBO. Its striking premise – it proposed that slavery continued to exist in the United States, since the Civil War was stalemate and the southern states managed to secede from the union and create their own country – soon sparked controversy with accusations of racism and the beginning of a boycott against the series.

That led to nothing being heard from ‘Confederate’ for a long time, and Doubts soon began to arise as to whether it would really be made.. The fact that in 2018 it was announced that they were going to deal with a new film in the Star Wars saga that later never saw the light of day – Benioff and Weiss would admit years later that they were very angry about it – only served to increase the doubts.

From HBO they assured that same year that the project was still in development, but time passed and nothing changed. His signing by Netflix seemed like the final sentence for the project, but the truth is that we had to wait until January 2020 for the series to be officially cancelled.

Already in 2024, Benioff and Weiss spoke for the first time about their cancellation in The Hollywood Reporter. After much reflection on the answer, Weiss admitted that “It’s kind of a low point in our career. You try things that seem worth doing and some work and some don’t.“…

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