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Florencia Regidor was eliminated from Big Brother and the memes broke out

In a very tense gala, Florence Regidor became the new eliminated from Big Brother (Telefe). The participant lost to Nicolás Grosman, her boyfriend, and Juliana “Furia” Scaglione.

Without a doubt The most surprising thing was the results of the vote, since they were much more even than expected. At the close of the cycle, Santiago del Moro announced that Flor received 41.3% of the votes against, Furia 39.2% and Nico 19.5%.

Read also: Virginia insulted Furia and reproached him strongly in Big Brother: “He hurts you for money.”

During his farewell to the most famous house in the country, Regidor melted into a kiss with his partner and also took the opportunity to reproach Furia, with whom he argued on more than one occasion in recent days. “Say hello to me if it’s all a game as you say.”he told him and the comment soon went viral.

This is how the “Big Brother” vote ended between Florencia, Furia and Nicolás. (Photo: Telefe Capture)

Already in the studies of the cycle, the contestant met again with former participants and Many users on social networks highlighted the moving hug he gave to Zoe Bogach, who was his best friend during his stay at the pageant.

Look at Flor Regidor’s tremendous fall when she said goodbye to “Big Brother.” (Photo: Capture Twitter @delmarcuba)

Beyond what was seen on air, the contestant also starred in an unexpected situation: when trying to run even though she was wearing high-heeled shoes, He couldn’t help but trip when he greeted some fans. who were on the platform of the program. The blooper was recorded by someone who was at the scene and it soon went viral.

The memes after Florencia’s departure from the “Big Brother” house

Flor’s departure was a trend on social networks and, as usually happens every Sunday, it didn’t take long for memes to explode. We share the most ingenious ones with you.

The memes for Florencia’s departure from the “Big Brother” house. (Photo: Twitter)

The memes for Florencia’s departure from the “Big Brother” house.

The memes for Florencia’s departure from the “Big Brother” house.

The memes for Florencia’s departure from the “Big Brother” house. (Photo: Twitter)

The memes for Florencia’s departure from the “Big Brother” house. (Photo: Twitter)

The memes for Florencia’s departure from the “Big Brother” house. (Photo: Twitter)

The memes for Florencia’s departure from the “Big Brother” house. (Photo: Twitter)

The memes for Florencia’s departure from the “Big Brother” house. (Photo: Twitter)

The memes for Florencia’s departure from the “Big Brother” house. (Photo: Twitter)

The memes for Florencia’s departure from the “Big Brother” house. (Photo: Twitter)

The memes for Florencia’s departure from the “Big Brother” house. (Photo: Twitter)

The memes for Florencia’s departure from the “Big Brother” house. (Photo: Twitter)

Virginia insulted Furia and reproached him strongly in Big Brother: “He hurts you for money.”

In recent days, the differences between Virginia Demo and Juliana “Furia” Scaglione at[person]’s house Big Brother (Telefe). The relationship is going through its worst moment and in the last hours A video went viral in which “La Queen” insults her rival.

“Piece of human poop… Sorry to the listener, but that’s how it is for me. “I can’t stand that kind of human being who hurts for money, basically.”the contestant begins by saying in a clipping that became a trend on Twitter.

Watch the video in which Virginia Demo destroys Fury in “Big Brother”. (Photo: Telefe Capture)

In addition, she took the opportunity to point out how she differs from her partner. “I make my money with dignity and by working. “I’m not going to lose my dignity here for money.”he sentenced.

These comments generated all kinds of reactions and many users agreed with Vir’s outburst. “Every day shouts a new truth”, “Write everything down because later when they leave the reality show they fake dementia”, “Keep skidding”, “Then you make the right one”and “If Furia defends herself they say she is violent”were some of the comments.

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