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Jorge Luna reveals that Ricardo Mendoza’s girlfriend is a mother and reminds her: “Don hates babies”

After it became known that Ricardo Mendoza maintains a formal relationship with Katya Mosquera, Many have wanted to know more details about this romance, but the comedian has kept it very secret. Thus, in his last show broadcast on YouTube, his co-workers did not hesitate to talk about this topic and Jorge Luna surprised with a curious comment.

As is already known, on more than one occasion, Mendoza He has made clear his desire not to become a father and the distance he has from fatherhood. Therefore, in this edition ofand ‘Talking Bullshit’Jorge Luna decided to reveal an unknown detail about his friend’s girlfriend.

He paused the program and said that Mosquera She is a mother and she even made a mischievous comment to her colleague, to remind him of what she said about children before falling in love. “So they know that that girl has a son. “Don ‘hate’ babies,” she told him ironically, causing everyone present to laugh.

Jorge Luna reveals that Ricardo Mendoza’s girlfriend is a mother.

To the surprise of the public and everyone’s laughter, Ricardo Mendoza nodded his head and made a comment about his current girlfriend, making it clear that he is very in love with her. “Indeed, she is a mother, which makes me admire her more,” he mentioned, while Luna showed that she could not believe what her partner said.

Despite this, Ricardo Mendoza He reaffirmed his position and assured that he does not want to have children, but that does not mean that he does not like children. He revealed that the youngest of his couple is one year old and he still does not know him. He is clear that the time could come to share with the child, but the opportunity has not yet been given.

It is important to point out that, on the Instagram account of Katya Mosquera It is confirmed that she is a mother. The young woman has preferred to keep her networks private and avoids cameras, that way she takes care of her personal life, despite being with a media person like the comedian.

Jorge Luna reveals that Ricardo Mendoza’s girlfriend is a mother.

The comedian was approached by the cameras Magaly TV La Firmeto whom he gave some statements about his current sentimental status. Ricardo Mendoza He was consulted about his loves, since on more than one occasion he has been linked to several girls, but, finally, he decided to consolidate himself with a single woman and make it official. “I just wanted to be here with her, she is a wonderful girl,” he commented at the beginning.

After that, he highlighted that he has left open relationships aside. Let us remember that when she was with Alicia Aparcana, He assured that both had an open romance and there was no problem with them going out with more people. But, this occasion is completely different and she has decided to give exclusivity to Katya.

“She is my official girlfriend, I am only with her. The relationships were already open. Of course, I’m with her. I have an exclusive relationship with her,” he said, very seriously and convinced of her feelings.

Ricardo Mendoza leaves open relationships for Katya Mosquera. (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

Finally, he confessed that he has difficult times with his girlfriend, who is a cabin crew member, but they try to share everything they can together. “He really comes every time he can when we do this, but not when he is working, because he has a job that you know and you know because of all the wonderful research that you always do,” he concluded in this regard.

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