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Álvaro Rudolphy attacks the driver after a crash: “They will seek compensation for him”

Last week the program What do I tell you? uncovered a serious complaint against Alvaro Rudolphy, who had been accused of hitting a woman in Las Condes.

The driver indicated that everything happened when she was going to a relative’s wake. “When I was entering the parking lot very slowly because the Carabineros were already there, he bumped into me. “I get off and tell him to calm down,” Indian.

“The least he told me is old ass… (sic) And I explained to him that a relative is dead and that it’s not worth yelling so much about a car,” he added.

Along with this, the woman stated that “some people defend me and a police officer tells me to leave the car and get in and He leaves before that… Truly, that man is an animal. What bothers me is his aggressiveness and his breaking out. “That man is an aggressive madman.”

Faced with this, the lawyer of the soap opera star contacted the woman. And she shared the conversation with the program led by Sergio Rojas.

“Despite the efforts of my client to avoid the collision, due to the unforeseen nature of his action and the fact that the pavement was slippery as a result of the rain, the vehicles ended up colliding, causing damage to my client’s truck that was valued at more than $450 thousand pesos”, indicated Gianfranco Raglianti.



And he added that “after a brief dialogue between the two, Mr. Rudolphy, Pressed by a trip abroad, dazed by the damage suffered, and convinced that he had no responsibility in the accident, He decided to continue his journey, in order to be able to fulfill his commitments and arrive at the airport on time. For this reason, he was surprised that, days later, you had contacted him to demand payment for the repair of your vehicle.



“If you wish to persevere with your intention to judicially seek Mr. Rudolphy’s responsibility, if you insist on contacting his close friends and family, or if you intend to involve the press, my instruction is to defend you, prove that the accident was due to a reckless maneuver “” he added.




In this way, Álvaro Rudolphy’s lawyer contacted the driver with whom he collided, ensuring that all responsibility was hers and that, If I continued with the complaints on TV, they would go to court. How are you?


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