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Mexican bullfighter suffers a terrible goring in the back in the Bullring in Madrid; this is your state of health

The Mexican matador hopes to return to bullfighting soon.

A few minutes after leaving the special care room, after undergoing surgery in Sales Due to the serious goring he suffered, the Michoacan bullfighter Isaac Fonseca He made his feelings known.

“It hurt me a lot, but I had to show my face. He had already cut off an ear at the unanimous request of the public to whom I am very grateful and although my second had already warned me on a couple of occasions from the right side by sneaking in the first attacks, I had to stand firm, knowing that he could hurt me, because I wanted to confirm that victory of the first,” he said, via telephone, with a slower voice than the young Mexican usually expresses.

The incident occurred with sixth bull of the afternoon, from the Torrestrella ranch, whose goring was directed upwards when the bull had its horn inside Fonseca’s back. The bullfighter explained that, according to the doctors, It was a miracle that the goring didn’t go inwards.

The Mexican bullfighter Isaac Fonseca receives a goring during the San Isidro Fair bullfight held today Sunday in the Las Ventas bullring, in Madrid. EFE / Borja Sánchez-Trillo.

“Yes, the doctors tell me that it was a miracle that it did not go inwards, because, although it grazed the lung and pushed the ribs that also hit the lung, it did not cause any further damage that could have been very serious,” he commented.

Despite the seriousness of the accident, Fonseca was optimistic about his recovery. “I feel good, very sore, but with the emotion of knowing that the public and the professionals valued what, without a doubt, has been my best performance in Las Ventas”Isaac noted.

Isaac Fonseca revealed that the goring cost him his life by damaging his lung.

According to the medical report, Fonseca will have to remain hospitalized for a couple of days and then continue with his rehabilitation process as soon as possible. The Michoacan bullfighter hopes to fulfill his next bullfighting commitments. “I have a fight on June 15 and my intention, if my body allows it, is to reappear that day here in Spain in Sahagún (town in Castilla y León) and then on the 30th in Cutervo, Peru.”

Isaac Fonseca, at 22 years old, continues to demonstrate his bravery and dedication in the ring, earning the admiration of the public and bullfighting professionals. The goring suffered in Las Ventas, a most demanding arena, has not diminished his spirit or his intention to continue with his career, despite the risks inherent in bullfighting. The next few weeks will be crucial for his recovery and to see if he can meet his bullfighting schedule.

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