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Inés Estévez once again demanded the rights of people with disabilities: “It is something atrocious”

Inés Estévez demands the rights of people with disabilities

From his own life experience, Ines Estevez She became a fervent defender of the rights of people with disabilities. disability. Vida, one of the daughters he adopted during her relationship with Fabian Vena, was born with a slight maturation delay, which causes his learning process to be different. Faced with this situation, and in the midst of the difficulties that she faces in giving her little girl the care that she deserves, the artist gave her opinion on the matter and once again expressed the need for help policies.

“I have a very particular motherhood, I am a mother of neurodiverse girls,” Estévez began by saying in dialogue with the radio program Hold on Catalina, on La Once Diez (AM 1110). Immediately afterwards, the show’s figure referred to the claims he makes with the aim of achieving a better life for his daughters and all people in his situation: Once again, there has not been a government, not even a year, in which we have not had to raise our voices and ask, not always achieving results. And on this occasion something atrocious is about to happen, all that is missing is the signature of the President and a minister. Currently, the State determines a standard value for the nomenclator, that is, all therapists charge a certain amount for caring for children with disabilities. It does not matter through what prepaid or through what social work. In such a way that not only does the therapist have the security of collecting money, but the therapist cannot overdo it either. Your social class doesn’t matter, your economic condition doesn’t matter; “You, as a parent or family member of someone with a disability, can choose the professional that best suits the needs of your child or family member.”

The daughters of Inés Estévez

After telling what the attention was like until now, the actress referred to the changes that this new project would imply: “Not every professional is suitable for the adaptation and connection of a boy with certain conditions, which are very diverse: autism, down syndrome, developmental delay, cerebral palsy, etc. By deregulating these regulations, what they do is that Any prepaid or social work can determine a very poor nomenclature value, with which professionals will not be able to care for our children.but they may also refuse to cover it. It’s something atrocious, because it depends on it that very intelligent and very capable people cannot develop. I want to believe that it is due to a very great lack of knowledge, because if not it is superlative cruelty. It is something that cannot happen, and they are laws that are developed quietly, quietly, and when you find out everything is practically done.

It was then that Catalina Dlugi He asked: “Luckily there are voices like yours that can be raised, with your fame and the small power that recognition gives you.” The artist chose to list the case of other famous people in the environment who claim the same objective: “Yes, like Valentina Bassiwho has a child with autism, like Julieta Diaz“We have a public voice, but that does not mean that these people are not making a movement that is truly despicable.”

Inés Estévez and Fabián Vena adopted two daughters during their relationship

Days ago, Valentina Bassi He had made public his desire to get more actively involved due to the difficulties he is going through with his 16-year-old son Lisandro. The teenager was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder and his treatment is at risk due to a bureaucratic issue. For this reason, the actress published a video supporting the Disability Law that was delivered to the Permanent Forum for the Promotion and Defense of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and then expanded her position to Teleshow.

Today disability is in emergency. For years the nomenclature has almost failed to cover anything. The transporters have had to stop taking people with disabilities to their therapies, they do not have the possibility of attending and they lose their shifts,” the actress told this medium. “We have a lot of problems that we should be trying to solve. What happens is that we have to go back and defend how essential it is to defend the single nomenclature, which protects equal conditions between people with disabilities. Even if you have the most expensive prepaid or you don’t have anything. That is why we have to defend the single nomenclature.”

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