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How to convince a person over 50 to use artificial intelligence

Older workers may resist the use of AI. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

When implementing tools with artificial intelligence, companies may feel a certain resistance from older workers, that is, those between 40 and 60 years old.

In an interview with Infobae, Guillermo Ocampo, national director of digital transformation at Microsoft Colombia, gave some key guidelines so that organizational leaders know how to reach these people and thus avoid falling into generational challenges in the use of AI.

According to IDC Latin America’s Artificial Intelligence Study in Hispanic South America, 31% of organizations worldwide point out that the biggest challenge is the lack of employees to learn and work with AI.

Artificial intelligence is a tool that gives value to companies. That is why it is crucial that they are responsible for providing the necessary means to their workers so that they can experiment with them, says Ocampo.

Companies are worried that employees don’t know about AI. (IDC Latin America)

But a generational challenge could arise in this context: a 20-year-old employee is not going to interact with an artificial intelligence application in the same way as someone over 40 years old would.

It is very different when a leader speaks to a 50-year-old worker or a 20-year-old worker.″says the Microsoft executive who recommends opting for different speeches to attract an employee, depending on their age, to implement AI in their job.

If a company faces problems introducing its older employees to AI, Ocampo notes that an alternative is to talk to them about the balance between family and work.

A person who uses tools with artificial intelligence is likely to increase their productivity, allowing them to have more time for themselves and their family.

Ideally, talk to older employees about work-family balance to convince them to use AI. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Additionally, this older employee using AI will stay ahead of younger generations in delivering innovative tasks in their organization.

The company finally managed to convince its employees to integrate technology into their daily tasks, what’s next? At this point, the responsibility of leaders to ensure that their workers have access to the tools so that they can explore them becomes important.

Organizations must guide focused training in each work team to be able to explain, in a concrete way, how AI is useful.

Likewise, they should encourage experimentation with AI since new elements are learned along the way that enrich its use. An employee who kept what he learned in training is not the same as another who interacts daily with these tools. “People are the ones who give value to artificial intelligence,” commented Ocampo.

AI is an ally in terms of productivity. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

As part of security, Ocampo said that “artificial intelligence is not going to replace us, but rather it is going to turn us into the super professional”, since workers have to learn yes or yes from this type of technological tools to be efficient. He added that There will probably be replacements but by people who know how to use AI or want to learn from them.

The same study cited provides some data on how organizations are using this technology:

– 55% of companies in Hispanic South America use artificial intelligence.

– 56% of AI implementations in Hispanic South America take less than six months, which indicates that they are specific projects with a strong focus on business objectives.

Artificial intelligence helps people balance their personal life with work. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

– 29% of organizations plan to reduce spending on other projects to prioritize budgets dedicated to AI initiatives in the next 24 months.

– 63% of companies in Argentina have reallocated or plan to reallocate budgets on AI projects in the next 2 years.

Interest in artificial intelligence in the region continues to increase, evidencing the commitment of the Latin American business sector to technological innovation. Companies consider these tools and resources as solutions that generate growth opportunities, promoting the productivity of all sectors, competitiveness and profitability.

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